NR 505 Reflect upon the nursing practice issue of interest that you identified in earlier discussion assignments


Nurses play important role in the healthcare delivery; however, the effectiveness of their services depend on how they collaborate with other professionals in the healthcare system. The identified practice issue was lack of collaboration and constant conflict which affected the quality of care delivered to the patients. In an environment where the professionals do not collaborate and work together, patients are likely to suffer most due to wring medication prescription and administration, and delayed care delivery. On the other hand, improved collaboration will result in seamless care delivery and better patient’s experiences. The healthcare providers can easily discuss the patient issues and develop the most effective intervention to improve the patients’ outcomes.

The quantitative research produced various evidences that would be helpful in understanding the issue of lack of collaboration and constant conflict in the healthcare environment. According to Rosen et al. (2018), collaboration is characterized by the improved communication. The study also provides evidence that patients benefit most when healthcare providers communicate and consult each other constantly. Also, such an environments result in integrated care delivery where the patients do not have to move from one place to another from time to time. Furthermore, the study indicated that failed communication had direct harm to the patients. The evidence on the negative impacts of poor collaboration and failed communication between the healthcare providers indicates the need to healthcare institutions to develop policies and acquire resources that can help foster teamwork and inter-professional integration. Also, the study by ‘‘Revolutionizing healthcare with IoT and cognitive, cloud-based telemedicine.’’ (2019) indicated the need to enroll the electronic health record and telemedicine systems as the ultimate solutions to poor coordination and failed communication between nurses and other healthcare providers.


The quantitative research findings provides various solutions to the issue and so can be implemented in healthcare setting to improve the issue. The role of telemedicine in healthcare delivery cannot be underestimated. The healthcare providers working in different departments are able to feed their data into the system and interact virtually. The clinicians and nurses can easily obtain relevant information for a particular patients needed for diagnosis or developing treatment plan. As a result, the burden of issues linked with poor collaboration and failed communication between the nurses and the healthcare providers will no longer be heard with adoption of telemedicine technology as indicated in the study (Revolutionizing healthcare with IoT and cognitive, cloud-based telemedicine, 2019).

An example of the quantitative research design that would provide valuable evidence concerning this issue would involve a cross-sectional survey focusing on the institutions with telemedicine and those without. Surveys will be administered to the healthcare professionals including the nurses, clinicians, laboratory officers and pharmacists to determine their experiences with communication and collaboration. The differences in the collaboration level and effectiveness of the communication will be compared between the two settings to determine which is more effective. The findings from the study will be used to validate the claim that telemedicine improves collaboration and communication among healthcare providers.

Finally, all healthcare institutions should strive to promote teamwork and collaboration to offer the best health care to the patients. Poor collaboration affects the turnaround time and leads to poor experiences among the patients. On the other hand, patients enjoy better quality of healthcare services in an environment characterized by teamwork and inter-professional collaboration.

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