My specialty is track is that of nurse educator. I chose this track to fulfill the interest I have in educating, encouraging, and mentoring those new to nursing practice or a particular nursing specialty. This interest in education has evolved over my years in nursing practice as well as from motherhood. Since 2012, I have educated my children primarily at home. It has been through these experiences that sparked a desire in me to pursue the education path in nursing. Seeing someone learn something new, master a skill, and grow in knowledge gives me great joy.
As an operating room nurse, I have been witness to evidenced-based practice and the impact it can have on surgical patients. One topic that interests me greatly is the prevention of surgical site infections. Surgical site infections (SSIs) are the most common infection that is healthcare associated in surgical patients (Schub & Smith, 2016). SSIs can delay healing and increase morbidity and mortality. Increased hospital stays and readmissions are a huge contributor to rising costs in healthcare. The prevention of SSIs is an evidence based practice focus in nursing care. As a perioperative educator in a hospital based setting, I can contribute to educating nursing staff on proven, preventable measures that can be implemented in surgical patients. Educators in individual care settings can work to review the evidence and work closely with healthcare providers to improve practice and increase safety for patients (Spruce, 2014). One example of an educator’s implementation to improve SSIs would be holding pre-procedure huddles with the OR team to improve communication, quality of care, and to empower other nurses to advocate for their patients and speak up when necessary. The following of surgical safety checklists, surgical skin antisepsis, hand hygiene, minimizing OR traffic, team training, speaking up whenever a break in sterile technique is observed, and timely prophylactic antibiotics are just a few methods that have been researched and proven effective in the prevention of SSIs (Spruce, 2014). Nurse educators will play a crucial role in educating nurses in the academic and clinical setting in improving care based upon evidence based practice.
Howe, C., & Close, S. (2016). Be an expert: Take action with evidence-based practice. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 31(3), 360-362. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2016.02.01
Schub, T. & Smith, N. (2016, June). Infections, surgical site: Prevention. CINAHL Nursing Guide. Retrieved from:
Spruce, L. (2014). Back to basics: Preventing surgical site infections. AORN Journal, 99(5), 600-611. doi: 10.1016/j.aorn.2014.02.002
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