NR 446 Rossetti Collaborative Healthcare Week 3 Paper - OCS

Conflict and Its Successful Resolution

According to Finkelman (2016), conflict can arise due to various reasons and is commonly observed between individuals or groups, which is usually related to competition over resources or poor communication. In my workplace as a nurse, I have noticed a recurring conflict among the nursing staff during the start of their shift while accessing the medication dispensing machine (Omnicell). In this paper, I will discuss the four stages of conflict and suggest ways in which the nurses involved can reach out to the leadership to resolve the conflict.

Conflict Defined

In modern healthcare settings, patient-centered care is crucial, especially as patients admitted to hospitals are often more seriously ill and have shorter stays. Providing exceptional care supported by a cohesive care team is essential to improve the patient’s hospital experience and prevent professional conflict. Ylitörmänen et al. (2019) discovered in their research on nurse collaboration that good teamwork between nurses is related to patient and job satisfaction, better care quality, and a reduced desire to leave their employment. Finkelman (2016) explains that conflict can arise when individuals hold different views that seem difficult to reconcile. Manning and Curtis (2015) suggest that conflict is natural and can be a catalyst for change, but it should be approached positively without blame and focused on understanding the needs and preferences of all parties involved.

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