NR 228 Nutrition as the Building Blocks of Life



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Food Journal Analysis:

Explore the captivating realm of nutrition and delve into the profound influence of our dietary choices on our overall well-being. Uncover the essential role of proteins, vitamins, fats, and minerals in maintaining optimal health while unraveling the intricate connection between a sound mind, a healthy body, and a nourished spirit. Join me on an enlightening expedition as I meticulously record my daily food intake, exercise routines, and habits, unearthing surprising revelations about my diet and nutritional decisions.

Food Journal Analysis: Reflecting on the initial two weeks of my food journal, it became evident that I encountered difficulties meeting my nutritional objectives. While I adhered to the recommended 2000 calorie limit, my fat intake surpassed the recommended range, averaging 40% in the second week and a concerning 55% in the first week. Sodium consumption was also a concern, initially surpassing the recommended 2500 milligrams per day but gradually decreasing to approximately 3000 milligrams in the second week.

NR 228 Nutrition as the Building Blocks of Life

Recommended Food Quantity

Regarding cholesterol, I initially stayed below the recommended 300 milligrams per day, averaging around 150 milligrams. However, there was a significant increase in the second week, with an average of 450 milligrams daily. Protein intake exceeded the recommended 40 grams per day in both weeks, initially ranging from 60-80 grams and decreasing to around 50 grams in the second week.

On a positive note, although I fell short of the two-cup fruit target in the first week, I could meet this goal in the second week. However, my vegetable intake remained insufficient, with only 0.5 cups consumed daily in the first week.

This analysis sheds light on the areas where adjustments are required to achieve a more balanced and nutritious diet, underscoring the importance of conscious food choices and diligent monitoring for optimum health and well-being.

Food Journal Analysis: Upon reviewing my food journal for the third week, I observed an increased fruit intake of 1.5 cups daily. Nevertheless, I realized I still need to explore new foods and recipes to augment my fruit consumption further. My calcium target was 1000 milligrams, but I only averaged 655 milligrams overall, indicating the need for more calcium-rich foods.

NR 228 Nutrition as the Building Blocks of Life

While reflecting on my dietary habits, I identified three positive patterns. Firstly, I have developed an affinity for vegetables and regularly incorporate broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots into my meals. Secondly, I practice mindful eating by savoring my meals slowly, aiding digestion and facilitating recognition of satiety. Lastly, I consciously avoid adding salt or other seasonings to my food after it is cooked, enabling me to monitor my sodium intake and make informed choices about what I consume.

On the other hand, I also identified three negative dietary habits that warrant attention. Firstly, I rely on fast food, particularly during stress or as a reward for performing well on tests. This unhealthy pattern needs to be addressed to promote better food choices. Secondly, I struggle with overeating, despite my efforts to eat slowly. Being mindful of portion sizes and practicing self-control can help address this habit. Lastly, I consume excessive amounts of coffee and often add substantial quantities of sugar and cream, indicating the need to reduce my coffee intake and opt for healthier alternatives.

This analysis highlights my positive and negative dietary habits, providing insights into areas that require improvement to achieve a more balanced and nutritious eating pattern. I can strive toward a healthier lifestyle by addressing these habits and making conscious choices.

NR 228 Nutrition as the Building Blocks of Life

Food Journal Analysis: After evaluating my current dietary habits, I have recognized the necessity for better self-control, particularly when avoiding fast food and reducing my consumption of empty carbohydrates.


Ladau, K. (2010, October 01). What is Nutrition? Retrieved from


Toto SGP Pools – Data SGP Prize – Keluaran SGP: Pengeluaran SGP



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