NHS FPX 5004 Assessment1 Attempt 2 Leadership and Group Collaboration SV


Our fresh viewpoint on Haitian society will assist Lakeland Medical Clinic in better adjusting to their way of life and culture. I suggest hiring multilingual medical workers to help overcome the language divide. This will significantly simplify the process of scheduling appointments and receiving treatment with us. Incorporating a few Spanish or Caribbean items into our canteen menus will give our Haitian visitors and guests much-needed respite. Creating a prayer place for Roman Catholics would provide a healing atmosphere for the body, mind, and soul.

Leadership position 

The healthcare team will be assigned a study subject to collect data on and discuss in a panel session for one week. Each team member will be liable for data collection and dissemination to the rest of the team. They will recollect that the goal is to strengthen ties with and trust among our Haitian brothers and sisters. After a week, we regroup to discuss our results and conclusions. Numerous Haitians like spicy foods with a Spanish flair. Additionally, about 80% of Haitian culture is influenced by Roman Catholicism (Wiseman, 2017).

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Our expanded understanding of Haitian society will assist Lakeland Medical Clinic in adjusting to the country’s way of life and culture. I propose that we recruit bilingual health workers to assist us in bridging the linguistic difference. This will ease making appointments and obtaining treatment with us extensively. We can offer our Haitian guests and visitors a needed break by incorporating a few Spanish and Caribbean delicacies into our cafeteria selections. Establishing a place of prayer for Roman Catholics would provide a healing environment for the body, mind, and soul.

This system is not perfect, so having a Haitian leader like Mrs. Lozama RN provides Lakeland with the missing link essential to addressing diversity issues. As we establish this team, we will understand the various demographic needs. We would ensure that everyone plays a role in their achievement. We have identified the problem and indicated what everyone should anticipate. Our specialty is bringing unique findings and ideas about the Haitian culture to the table. The more we comprehend, the more at ease this demographic will feel when they come to Lakeland Medical. We are susceptible if a team member does not follow through on their scheduled involvement in the session. We will be missing vital information, in this case, to aid in the clinic’s and society’s diversification efforts. According to the Hospice Medical Facility scenario, the clinic lacked competent leadership and management. Due to the administration’s failure to foster a trusting atmosphere, residents lack recognition and are hesitant to seek treatment at the clinic. Diversification is a critical problem at the clinic that must be addressed quickly to include residents’ social ideas, norms, and cultural values in clinic activities and services. The Healthcare Professional is a visionary leader capable of effectively leading this project and achieving the project’s objectives (Lai et al., 2018).

Lakeland Medical Center will be recognized in the future for its significant community involvement and pleasant hospitality. Collaboration with the team will assist us in achieving our future goals.


Lai, C. Y., Hsu, J. S. C., & Li, Y. (2018). Leadership, regulatory focus, and information systems development project team performance. International Journal of Project Management, 36(3), 566-582.

NHS FPX 5004 Assessment1 Attempt 2 Leadership and Group Collaboration SV


Persaud, A. (2020). Key competencies for big data analytics professions: a multimethod study. Information Technology & People.


Rao, A. (2018). The politics of gender and culture in international human rights discourse. In Women’s Rights Human Rights (pp. 167-175). Routledge.


Thomas, C., Trucks, E., & Kouns, H. B. (2019). Preparing early-career librarians for leadership and management: A Feminist critique. Library with the Lead Pipe.

Wiseman, B. (2017). Haiti. Weigl Publishers.

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