NHS FPX 5004 Assessment 3 Attempt 3 Self-Assessment of Leadership Collaboration and Ethics


Healthcare professionals have to display leadership qualities to encourage the ongoing growth of employees’ understanding, capabilities, and talents to nurture the quality of care, safety, compassion, and patient satisfaction. They continually support, inspire and encourage innovation and offer new and better functioning methods. It is a known fact that leaders bear the utmost responsibility to create and realize the vision of working towards accomplishing the desired goal (Poikkeus et al., 2018). In addition to this, the leaders encourage the followers to work towards achieving the common desired goal. However, effective leadership calls for reflecting a perfect assessment of their level of effectiveness and efficiency. Several leadership styles exist, and each leader may have different leadership styles. Thus, a leader’s self-awareness about the leadership skills and style and the ability to conduct self-assessment plays a vital role in a leader’s leadership and ethical experiences. The current assignment is based on scenario-based leadership qualities and moral understanding self-assessment. The term may help the Master’s preparation students to understand the importance of self-reflection on leadership and ethical experience in professional life.

NHS FPX 5004 Assessment 3 Attempt 3 Self-Assessment of Leadership Collaboration and Ethics

Own Leadership Qualities and Actions Relative to a Specific Experience.

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The essence of self-assessment being a leader calls for leadership competencies. The ability to conduct a self-assessment serves as the source of motivation. This is because the leaders can keep a clear track of their progress and motivate themselves with the progress they make. I had an opportunity to lead a team in a healthcare setting called the “Quality assurance team” to ensure the operational quality to provide the best healthcare service to the patients and ensure quality and patient satisfaction. The team had different inter-disciplinary stakeholders such as doctors’ nurses, IT specialists, etc. The team met twice a month and was briefed on the activities (Poikkeus et al., 201. The team’s purpose was to ensure the overall quality of the care delivery system in the hospital operations. By analyzing the leadership in the project, it can be stated that it was a great experience to effectively and accurately analyze the required level of leadership in the preparation and presentation of the project work. 

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I found that he possesses a delegative leadership style. Delegative leadership is a style of management in which the leader abstains from direct involvement in decision-making and instead relies on the input of others in the group. Generally, this leadership style results in a high level of performance among group members. The leadership style was appropriate; each member was assigned different tasks. The members had the freedom to initiate their ideas and recommendations. Each member was allowed to deliver their ideas and suggestions. Being a delegation leader, possible directions were given, and I complied with the proposal. This method was very effective in motivating the team. A great leader requires establishing excellent decision-making skills to ensure effective and efficient output. The delegative leadership accounts for sound decision-making, and if wrong decisions are taken, they should be able to identify those and establish the desired decision to be made (Belrhiti et al., 2018). It was a collective mode, and the decision-making process was effective. According to the collective decision amendments, effective changes would have been added if a failed decision had been reviewed in future meetings. The vision, values, judgments, etc., were communicated through face-to-face discussions. The online-based platforms were also used to display routine affairs. In addition to this, the leaders should also be open to receiving feedback on the level of performance and the areas that require enhancement to establish the desired output level (Wei, 2022). 

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