N 502 Health Care Systems Module 1 Assignment   Health Care Information Systems Diagram


Healthcare information system are always implemented in the healthcare institutions to enhance the management of data. With the increase in the number of patients in the healthcare institutions as well as the number of services that are supposed to be offered, adherence to the health information system is essential when it comes to the documentation of processes as well as the data that have been collected in the course of operation (Lintern & Motavalli, 2018). Healthcare information system can collect, manage, store and transmit patient’s records. The implementation of healthcare information system is meant to enhance the quality of services delivered, influence the policy-making processes and inform the research processes. Healthcare information system often access, process, and maintain large volumes of essential healthcare data. In the process, security is always one of the major concerns (Davidson, Baird, & Prince, 2018). While implementing the healthcare information system, there is also the need to integrate security measures to ensure that there is efficiency in operational processes.

Health information system can be accessed and used by everyone in the healthcare system from clinicians to patients and public health officials (Negash et al., 2018). The users may be involved in the use of data and other resources that are connected to the system.


Components of Health Care Information Systems

The diagram above indicates health information system structure in my current organization. The system consist of data entry stage where all the information collected are entered. The data can also be imported from other sources. Within the system, there is the data storage part where all the information, both imported and those entered, is stored. From the database, datasets can be extracted and analyzed to inform decision-making processes. The data can also be sent to other links such as the shared clinical databases (Kisekka & Giboney, 2018). After the process of analysis, the system also provides options for displaying the results of analysis. The system also has the EMR system that enhances the management of the patient’s information (Guha & Kumar, 2018). The system is also linked to other departments such as the disease notification department, data warehouse, as well as the administration. The system provides elaborate steps involved in the data entry and management system. The stages involved in the data management processes is important in ensuring effective outcomes in the operational processes.

Advantages and Challenges Faced by a Hospital Using Information Systems 

One of the advantage of the system is that it provides links to other departments making it easier for the management to integrate healthcare processes. The system is comprehensive as it includes major components required for the effective management of information. Finally, the users of the system are able to undertake data extraction and analysis and display the results. The challenge of the system is that it is more complex and can prove to be a challenges for the users, especially those with little skills. The system consists of numerous steps which have to be followed by the users. This requires continuous training processes on the users. Another disadvantage of the system is that there are security concerns due to different components that have been integrated in the system. In most cases, numerous links within the system often makes it easier for the hackers to gain access into the system and perform malicious activities.




Davidson, E., Baird, A., & Prince, K. (2018). Opening the envelope of health care information systems research. Information and Organization28(3), 140-151. https://abs/pii/S1471772718301659

Guha, S., & Kumar, S. (2018). Emergence of big data research in operations management, information systems, and healthcare: Past contributions and future roadmap. Production and Operations Management27(9), 1724-1735. https://doi/abs/10.1111/poms.12833

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