N 495- Health Assessment Module 2 Discussion N 495- Health Assessment Module 2 Discussion The CDC and Healthy People 2020 continue to educate on the importance, the improved ease of access and insurance coverage for screenings and vaccinations. It is the responsibility of nurses to engage our aging adults in self-advocating for services that benefit the individual and community health. How can you, as a registered nurse, impact older adults to encourage routine vaccination? What impact does this have on the community as a whole?

General Condition and Public Health Needs

The outcome from the windshield survey shows that the rate of people who have diabetes is high despite measures that have been taken to solve the issue. The community has been adopting various evidence-based practices to address the problem despite the measures taken not giving the desired results. The following graph shows the variation in the healthcare problem.

Figure 1.

According to the presented analysis, diabetes is high among American Indian and Non-Hispanic blacks. Hispanics also have a significantly high rate of diabetes. The survey’s outcome shows that ethnicity affects the prevalence of diabetic rates in the Jordan Community (Data USA, n.d). The solution to the diabetic problem in the community needs to commence with having an adequate analysis of the ethnic issues affecting the community and targeting the community based on ethnicity with increased risk of the healthcare problem.

Over the years, new approaches have been introduced in the community system to heighten disease prevention, better treatment, and adopt effective management of diseases. One of the most important approaches that have shaped healthcare in the recent past is adopting modern technology (Canedo et al., 2018). It has played a huge role in enhancing diabetic treatment. In the previous weeks, diabetes has been discussed as the major problem affecting a wide range of patients in the Jordan community. Having delved much into diabetes and the approach that needs to be taken to reduce its effect on the population, it is imperative to focus on the intervention plan.

The community’s problem is the poorly controlled diabetes among the majority of patients receiving diabetes care at the facility. Cases of diabetes have been increasing each year, which calls for effective intervention measures to solve the healthcare problem. Diabetes is a condition where the body is incapable of producing enough insulin as required or the body fails to utilize the produced insulin as appropriate. Poorly controlled diabetes is one of the most chronic conditions. The identified population health problem relevant to the practice is poorly controlled diabetes among most patients receiving diabetes care at the facility. Diabetes is a condition where the body is incapable of producing enough insulin as required or fails to utilize the produced insulin as appropriate (Canedo et al., 2018). Poorly controlled diabetes is one of the most chronic conditions. In addition, it has been associated with other complications such as diabetic foot ulcers, neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy, and hearing problems, among other conditions.

Environmental Analysis

Based on the environmental analysis, the cases of diabetes have been high among African Americans because they lack effective measures to address the problem. Many people who have diabetes are from low social status. The population of poor Africa Americans is high. This limits their ability to address the problem using the most effective interventions. In a community with an increased population of affluent people, they have been gaining the ability to invest in modern technology to address the rising cases of diabetes (Fang et al., 2021). Technological intervention is the most effective method to reduce the poor management of diabetes among the selected population. The survey analysis has effectively identified the relationship between diabetes and the selected population in the Jordan community. The process has been significant in gaining more professional skills on the current trend of diabetic cases in the Jordan community (Fang et al., 2021).

The environmental analysis aims to improve healthcare services to achieve the desired quality and gratification for the patient experience of care, enhancing public health and lessening the healthcare per capita cost. The surrounding environment affects the healthcare outcome in a community as it aids in addressing socioeconomic factors that hinder the community from undertaking effective interventions to address a problem. Patient safety is one of the fundamental indicators of quality in healthcare (Ford et al., 2021). It is connected to safety and positive clinical outcomes among patients. The proposed technology will empower healthcare professionals to admit patients with underlying conditions such as diabetes. In doing so, they would increase patient awareness of effective measures for controlling diabetes with the proposed technological interventions.


Jordan community has more cases of diabetes among the African American population. Measures that have been taken in the past have yet to be effective in addressing the said problem. However, approaching the diabetes healthcare problem through various technological efforts would improve patient outcomes. The proposed intervention p

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