Module 6: Changing the World Through Evidence-Based Practice (Weeks 10-11)

Physical and behavioral intervention.

Health organizations operate with the aim of optimizing outcomes such as safety, quality, and efficiency in addressing the needs of their organizations. Often, health organizations operate in highly dynamic and challenging environments. They experience issues such as competition from other organizations, changing consumer needs and preferences, and emerging health problems. These challenges imply that health organizations must embrace change to respond to their current and emerging needs in their markets. Change initiatives provide organizations competitive edge over others involved in the same market niche. Healthcare providers, including nurses play a crucial role in the implementation of change initiatives that address organizational needs. They select evidence-based practice interventions to ensure efficiency in the adopted strategies and realization of optimum safety and quality outcomes in service delivery. Therefore, this presentation examines an organizational issue and proposed change to address it.

The organization I work with is a tertiary hospital. The hospital leads in the region in the provision of specialized and general care to its diverse populations. The hospital has a culture that supports change. First, healthcare providers utilize teamwork in the provision of patient care services. Teamwork aims at ensuring collectivism in the realization of the organizational outcome. The organization also strives to support safety culture. This is achieved by the adoption of evidence-based interventions in the implementation of organizational strategies. Evidence-based strategies optimize outcomes such as safety, quality, and efficiency. There is also the use of open communication among different stakeholders. Open communication ensures the prioritization of the stakeholder needs, views, and concerns. Open communication has strengthened openness and trust among the organizational employees, hence, enhanced teamwork in the provision of patient care. The organization also recognizes the vital role that rewarding performance plays in contributing to employee productivity. As a result, it undertakes biannual performance appraisals and uses them to reward employees and motivate them to explore additional ways of achieving the desired outcomes. These aspects of the organizational culture make it ready to embrace change.

The selected nursing problem in my organization is nursing shortage. The hospital currently experiences an acute shortage of nurses, which has affected the provision of patient care services to the patients. Several circumstances surround the issue of nurses shortage in the hospital. One of them is high rate of nurses’ turnover. The rate of nurses leaving their jobs intentionally has risen significantly over the past years. The rise is attributed to organizational issues such as high workload because of the few nurses, burnout, and occupational stressors associated with the challenge of balancing professional and family life demands. The other factor is unhealthy workplaces. This can be seen from violence targeted at nurses by other nurses and other healthcare providers. Most nurses report experiencing either physical or verbal violence from others, which affect their psychological and physical health, hence, their intention to leave their jobs. The other factor is the low number of nursing students being trained among the American universities. This is attributed to the shortage of faculty staff to train a high number of nurses to address the current shortage. Lastly, more than one million nurses will be retiring in the next decade. This implies that the problem of nursing shortage will persist if no intervention is embraced (Yahya Muabbar & Zayyan Alsharqi, 2020). The affected stakeholders by the problem include nurses and patients. Nurses suffer from high workload while patients are affected by low quality nursing care being given to them. The risks of implementing change include resistance to change from the adopters, inadequate support from health organizations, and disruption of the existing systems and processes by change.

The proposed idea to address the issue of nurses shortage in the hospital is empowering them. The hospital should implement nurse-centered interventions that address their actual and potential needs. The interventions should align with the needs and expectations of the nurses. One of the empowerment strategies that the hospital should consider is rewarding their performance. The hospital should ensure that the remuneration for the nurses aligns with the role and contributions of nurses to its success. The hospital should also implement reward schemes regularly to motivate nurses to engage in additional ways to meet the needs of their patients and theirs too. The other strategy is ensuring health and safe working environment (Challinor et al., 2020). The hospital should ensur

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