MHA FPX 5010 Assessment 1 Current Environmental Analysis

The strategic direction of a healthcare organization

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The Wellbeing Net Gathering mission statement (n.d.) is “improving the wellbeing framework for everybody” and “assisting people with carry on with bettering lives.” The strategic direction of Health Net Group reflects the company’s objective and vision. Further creating prosperity results, cutting down expenses, and supporting part consideration are clinical benefits targets. In order to assist members with chronic and high-risk conditions, Health Net Group is investigating new technology, such as artificial intelligence. A patient-focused way to deal with care will be made simpler by this innovation. Individual Wellbeing Records have been created and executed by Wellbeing Net Gathering notwithstanding computerized reasoning. It provides members and clinicians with a comprehensive picture of a member’s medical information on a single system and may also suggest a path to improved health. Prosperity Net Social event has made Rally propel part responsibility, an electronic stage that offers people internet prosperity the board gadgets and answers (Prosperity Net Get-together, About us. n.d.). Rally motivates and entices individuals to evaluate their progress, share their accomplishments, and obtain rewards for making better choices. Wellbeing Net Gathering teams up with the Food and Medication Organization, the Communities for Government medical care and Medicaid Administrations, and the Branch of Wellbeing and Human Administrations to further develop drug store rehearses.


Health Net Group is collaborating with pharmaceutical manufacturers to share some of the risks and lower the price of pharmaceuticals in order to control the rising cost of healthcare. Health Net Group’s shareholders want to make sure that the strategic plan is carried out. They anticipate significant business expansion and profits. The top management team at Wellbeing Net Gathering is looking at the outside environment to make sure they have all the information before making comments about the important bearing. Workers at Wellbeing Net Gathering adhere to the fundamental guidelines that guide their individual and collective actions. Honesty, compassion, growth, relationships, and execution are Wellbeing Net Gathering’s most important standards (Wellbeing Net Gathering, About Us). n.d.). An organization’s fundamental standards for achieving its goals are its fundamental beliefs. To impart trust in the association that it is helping people in having better existences, workers add to the individuals’ prosperity.

Industry Structural Elements That Influence Competition

The Porter Five Forces Analysis, according to Wellner & Lakotta (2020), is an essential management technique for determining the fundamental profitability of various business sectors. This model could assist bosses in seeing what the negative perspectives mean for the benefit and in encouraging a system to build up their high ground and long-stretch legitimacy busy with giving clinical thought plans. Due to new companies entering the medical care industry that bring innovation and improved methods for completing tasks, Wellbeing Net is being forced to reduce evaluation, reduce rates, and offer incentives to new customers. Health Net must create new products or services to address these concerns and create practical barriers in order to maintain its competitive advantage. New participants are much less likely to enter a crowded market where well-known companies like Health Net constantly define the criteria. Customers can be difficult to please because they want the most value for their money. This puts the Prosperity Net under a ton of financial tension eventually. Customers’ negotiating power and ability to demand more significant price cuts and offers rise as Health Net’s customer base decreases and becomes more effective.

The state of one’s health and well-being The Internet may make it harder for buyers to negotiate prices because it has a large consumer base. It will reduce consumers’ bargaining power and streamline the company’s sales and manufacturing processes by rapidly developing new products. If Wellbeing Net keeps coming up with new products, it will want to make it harder for its customers to find better deals and make fewer people switch to its competitors. At the point when another help or item tends to be comparable client’s needs another way, the area’s prosperity endures. Consider the situation wherein the incentive of a resulting item or administration contrasts essentially from that of the choices that are right now available. Taking everything into

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