Met Chamberlain Program Outcomes, MSN Essentials, and NONPF Competencies PO #1: Provide high quality, safe, patient-centered care grounded in holistic health principles (Holistic Health & Patient-Centered Care)


The first Chamberlain program outcome is concerned with nurses’ ability to engage in patient-centered care. The assignment discussing the case of cystic fibrosis gave me an opportunity to examine the condition and provide the patient’s parents with knowledge about the diagnosis. Thus, I focused on the information that is important to them and their child, informing them about possible treatments and ways to alleviate the patient’s pain and discomfort. The holistic care approach urged me to address the patient’s specific needs, especially her young age which complicated the diagnosis and treatment processes. Thus, I addressed the parents and described the signs of cystic fibrosis that could be understood without the patient’s contribution (which could be helpful in adult patient situations).

AACN MSN Essential IX: Master’s-Level Nursing Practice

To meet the ninth essential of Masters-level practice, I aimed to employ my knowledge in practice for this assignment. I considered my experience with cystic fibrosis cases as well as available theoretical information to come to the diagnosis. Then, I researched the ways in which the most vital information should be delivered to the parents. The ability to understand how patients may interpret information is a part of Masters-level nursing skills. Indirect care components included m research about the signs of cystic fibrosis and the review of the condition’s pathophysiology. Direct care in this assignment was performed through patient and caretaker education. My understanding of nursing, relevant sciences, and communication strategies assisted me in completing this assignment.

Concepts and Reflection

Teaching is a combination of facts, practices, and approaches that APNs often need to relay to patients or their caretakers to ensure their understanding of an issue. Nurses often teach patients and their relatives to recognize the signs of worsening, treat symptoms, or prevent complications. Teaching may include general tips for a lifestyle change, ways to take medications, diet suggestions, and other strategies to improve one’s health.

Pathophysiology is a process of a disease’s progression that demonstrates how a condition develops and evolves in one’s body. The understanding of the pathophysiology is vital for diagnosis and treatment since it explains the responses of the body to different factors. In this case, the pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis showed which signs point to the correct diagnosis. In infants, the knowledge of pathophysiology is essential to one’s ability to detect a problem since young children cannot describe their feelings. Thus, it contributes to a nurse’s duty of providing high-quality care.

The assignment investigating the case of a young child with cystic fibrosis helped me to integrate my theoretical knowledge, communication skills, and practical experience to deliver patient-centered care. I had to consider the different levels of information available to me as an APN. I integrated a variety of sciences and discussed the pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis as a part of making a diagnosis. I also needed to translate my academic knowledge into practice and teachings for the patient’s parents. Nurses’ duties include educating patients and their caretakers about their health. Thus, the skill of explaining complex data in simple terms is a part of Masters-level nursing practice as much as the ability to use theory in practice.

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