Measures and Steps to take in Evaluating the Success of the EHR Implementation from a Staff, Setting, and Patient Perspective


When implementing an EHR system, it is necessary to evaluate it to assess if it was successful. Evaluation of a project is done considering the various perspectives of the stakeholders. For instance, the EHR system will be evaluated from the staff, setting, and patient perspective. The EHR system will be evaluated in terms of technical performance and from the stakeholders’ perspective (Tsai et al., 2020).Electronic Health Record Implementation. Technical performance will be assessed in terms of how the new system meets the expectation. In addition, the cost of implementation and time taken will be compared against the budgeted cost and scheduled time to know if the budget and the timelines were exceeded. Various stakeholders including staff, patients, and other users will be interviewed and given self-administered questionnaires to fill as a way of collecting their views on the new system. This method will collect data on how these stakeholders were affected and how they find the system performance.Electronic Health Record Implementation.

Leadership Skills and Theories that facilitate Collaboration with the Inter-professional Team

For effective system implementation, leadership skills are required to facilitate collaboration between the inter-professional team to ensure that all the intended objectives are met. Leadership skills required include self-governance and delegation. Under self-governance, the leader will encourage all the stakeholders to express themselves and share opinions and ideas. This will promote good communication and working rapport (Zeng, 2016). Electronic Health Record Implementation.A leader should be able to delegate duties and responsibilities to individuals in a way that each member understands what is expected of them. A leader will be expected to motivate and promote creativity and innovation among the team members. The leadership theory that will facilitate inter-professional collaboration will be transformative leadership theory which will require a leader to have integrity, planning skills, decisive, self-regulated and a change agent. Transformative leadership theory will help the leader to assess the variables in a situation and act accordingly.

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