Managing Postpartum Hemorrhage Read the following articles in the course point platform: • An Interprofessional Simulation for Managing Postpartum Hemorrhage (2018) • Autologous Blood Transfusion for Postpartum Hemorrhage (2017) • Secondary amenorrhea: Diagnostic approach and treatment considerations (2017)

Postpartum hemorrhage is a major cause of maternal morbidity in the United States. Greenawalt and Zernell (2018) recommend using autologous blood transfusion as a management strategy for women affected by postpartum hemorrhage. Autologous blood transfusion involves the re-infusion of a patient’s blood. The practice is recommended since it is relatively cheap compared to allogenic blood transfusion; it offers conservation strategies such as cell salvage, the blood is usually fresh with viable red blood cells with almost normal osmotic membrane stability, this improves its ability to transport oxygen and reduces the chances of nonhemolytic febrile reactions hence protecting future pregnancies for the women. However, this practice is limited to women who have lost more than 1000ml of blood, those unwilling to accept allogeneic blood, where the patient has antibodies that are hard to cross-match, and if there is a limited supply of blood in the center.

Davis et al. (2018) conducted an interprofessional simulation to manage postpartum hemorrhage. A participant survey impression was used to determine their attitudes towards the simulation. Overall, they indicated positive attitudes towards the simulation, and about 94% reported being well prepared to manage postpartum hemorrhage and work together with others. From the survey, simulation training was beneficial in training interprofessional teams to manage a postpartum hemorrhage, compared to lectures and other commonly utilized modules. Therefore insitu simulations should be adopted in preparing interprofessional teams to manage postpartum hemorrhages.

The menstrual cycle in women is an essential health indicator, and care providers usually receive complaints from women concerning its disruption. Pereira and Brown (2017) discussed secondary amenorrhea and considerations during diagnosis and treatment. Secondary amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation for three consecutive months after a normal cycle. Common causes include pregnancy, lactation, thyroid disorders, and Cushing syndrome. The diagnosis should primarily rule out the common causes, such as pregnancy. Pregnancy tests, prolactin, FSH, and TSH should be first conducted to rule out the common causes. The treatment depends on the diagnosis; however, hormone therapies are commonly used.

Weismiller and Kolasa (2016) addressed concerns during early pregnancy. Dietary supplementation has a significant impact on child health. Practices such as supplementation of folic acid have been shown to be effective in preventing neural tube diseases. Taking multivitamins early can help prevent early pregnancy symptoms such as vomiting and general morning sickness. Other interventions for a healthy pregnancy and infants include lifestyle interventions such as consuming healthy foods, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean meat products. Women should also strive to achieve a healthy weight for a healthy pregnancy.



Davis, A., Rudd, A., Lollar, J., & McRae, A. (2018). An interprofessional simulation for managing postpartum hemorrhage. Nursing202048(5), 17-20.

Greenawalt, J. A., & Zernell, D. (2017). Autologous blood transfusion for postpartum hemorrhage. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing42(5), 269-275.

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