List at least two ways that this influence can take place. In your opinion, would one way be preferable over the other?


There are four sources of power that nurses use to influence the legislative process. Firstly, potential power of numbers in which nurses leverage their numbers as the single largest group of health care providers. The large numbers and professional nursing organizations allows nurses to act as a cohesive and powerful professional force. Secondly, expert power in which nurses use their unique skills and knowledge to advice and influence legislation. Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process.This power gives nurses the credibility to speak out on nursing and health care issues. Thirdly, legitimate power that comes from the role and status of nurses as granted by the licenses and certifications to practice. The responsibilities and rights granted by the State Board of Nursing to practice in the professional environment includes the authority to speak out on nursing and health care issues. Finally, referent power that comes from the public respecting and admiring nurses. Nurses command a high level of credibility and this results in a high level of trust that they would act as stewards to push the health agenda forward. Of the four sources of power, the expert power would be preferable as it gives nurses the authority to be trusted to offer the best solutions/advice on health care issues (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2020).Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process.

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