Leadership Role of Creating Safe Nursing Environment

However, it is essential for the system to have proper correctional measures to ensure such issues are addressed without belittling the respectful practitioner. Having an effective leadership culture that embraces respect, security, and the value of employees is fundamental in enabling healthcare to improve the participation of physicians in providing quality care to patients.

Generally, respect is an essential aspect of any high-performing organization. When there is disrespect among workers, it becomes challenging to work together and collaborate on core issues within the system. Working in a surgical unit requires effective and collaborative teamwork from the providers in the department. Having the culture in the organization allows each staff member to coordinate and correct possible mistakes in a more professional manner that does not make the other party feel uncomfortable. The facet creates a healthy working environment that facilitates the productivity of the clinicians. Furthermore, feeling valued in a team is useful in making the provider deliver effective patient care (Grubaugh & Flynn, 2018). A clinic that has integrated teamwork where all the practitioners are comfortable improves the overall patient outcome.

Similarly, the aspect of security is important and should be guaranteed in the healthcare system. When providers feel safe from possible discrimination, bullying, or dismissal, they concentrate their efforts on offering the necessary care services, thus improving the quality of service delivery. Furthermore, safety lowers incidents that can cause stress and unnecessary mental problems that might affect the contribution of practitioners in the system (Hsiao et al., 2021). In general, when the leadership of the hospital ensures and promotes respect, value, and security amongst its staff members, it will reduce cases of turnover and unproductivity that might deteriorate patient safety.

In order to develop a safe and caring culture, nurse leadership must employ practices such as team training and effective communication. Generally, employees come from different cultural backgrounds and this may make them have a varied perspective concerning how to handle the situation in the workplace. For instance, some may perceive gossiping as a normal act, while others might find it offensive. To create an accommodating work environment, managers should provide necessary training to educate practitioners on the values and norms of people’s culture. The approach will enable the providers to have relevant and adequate knowledge, which allows them to treat their colleagues accordingly.


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