LDR 600 Week 6 Discussion 2, How Different Cultures Affect the Workplace Week 6 Discussion 2, How Different Cultures Affect the Workplace



The workplace is not only a place of collaboration and productivity, but also of interaction between people from a variety of backgrounds. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that non-Hispanic White workers will become a minority in the workforce by 2032 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2019).

As you consider different cultures and their impact on the workplace, you may want to look at several aspects:

* Cultural differences in communication

* Different cultural views of time

* Cultural values and beliefs

In this Discussion, you explore how different cultures affect the workplace by looking at your own culture, as well as at least one other culture that is different from yours.

To prepare:

Review Chapter 2 in the course text, which discusses culture and diversity, and Chapter 3 in the course text, which discusses technology in today’s global business environment. You may also refer to your other required resources for this week or conduct additional research using the Walden Library.

Consider your own cultural background. You may also consider any other cultures with which you are familiar (e.g., those of family members or friends). Reflect on how your culture might influence your communications with others or how it might shape interactions within groups or teams at work

How Different Cultures Affect the Workplace

There are many different cultures in America, and each one brings a unique flavor to the workplace. It’s important to understand the basics of what makes a culture unique so that we can communicate better with each other as coworkers.

For example, one prominent group is the “5-Year-Olds.” This group has a vibrant culture that celebrates youth and childhood, and has found a way to incorporate it into their jobs. They call each other by silly nicknames, put their phones face-down on their desks for hours at a time, and constantly interrupt each other during meetings with “Why?” If you’re working with them, you need to be prepared for some pretty crazy stuff!

Another important group is the “Night Owls.” This culture revolves around being nocturnal—they spend all night working and sleeping in shifts. Their work ethic is unparalleled, but they tend not to get along well with early birds. For example, when I met my Night Owl coworker Mike at an office party, he told me he was “a little bit sleepy” because he’d been up all night finishing his project for tomorrow morning! It’s hard for us early birds to relate to that kind of schedule, so we should

Shedding Light on the Role of Culture in the Workplace

As a nurse, you are responsible for treating patients from all walks of life. In some cases, you may even encounter people from entirely different cultures than your own. This can result in a lot of miscommunication and confusion—but it doesn’t have to. Learning about different cultural practices and how they affect the workplace can help you create a more inclusive environment for yourself and your patients.

The Role of Culture in Communication

Communication is the key to making any relationship work, including the professional relationships that make up your workplace culture. When we think about communication, we often forget that there’s an emotional component involved—the emotional weight of certain words and phrases can change based on our culture, causing us to misunderstand one another and come to incorrect conclusions.

For example, if someone is being direct with you, you may interpret that as harsh or angry. But if they’re coming from a culture where being direct is encouraged rather than seen as confrontational, they’re just trying to be honest.

On the other hand, some cultures encourage indirectness as a way of showing respect for others’ feelings and taking their point of view into consideration—but this may be interpreted by others as passive-agg

As a part of the Nurse Community, it is important to ensure that we treat everyone with respect and dignity. Diversity in the workplace opens the doors for different perspectives and experiences to be shared.

What are some things you can do to ensure that all cultures are respected in your workplace?

In the workplace, collaboration and communication are key to success. When different cultures come together in a professional environment, it’s important to understand how those cultures may influence interactions with coworkers and clients.

Use the materials in this week’s reading to consider the following:

-What are some cultural differences you have noticed in your own life? These can be personal observations o

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