KT is a 24 year old female completing her studies. While home for spring break, she presents to her primary care physician because she has been worried about her academic, professional, and personal future since class restarted in late August. She is constantly worried about passing all of her exams and that she is going to be the only one of her friends that graduates school without a ring on her finger. How would you help her assuming she meets the criteria for GAD? WD is a 49-year-old male who suffered a myocardial infarction one week ago. Upon discharge, it was noted that WD appeared depressed. At a follow-up visit with his physician a week later, WD met criteria for a diagnosis of major depressive disorder. His past medical history includes: treatment refractory hypertension, diabetes mellitus (type II), and severe uncontrolled narrow angle glaucoma How would you help him assuming he meets the criteria for MDD?

Module IV: Psychiatric Disorders (Depression, Anxiety, • Sleep) Discussion Discussion Topic Benzodiazepines are commonly prescribed medications for several indications, including anxiety and sleep disorders. Let's discuss their use in our health care systems and the impact on our patients. Things to consider might include (just getting you thinking): Safety: How could the side effect profile affect your patients? Efficacy:Are benzodiazepines efficacious for anxiety and sleep? Use: Are they under or over prescribed? How can we ensure safe use of these medications? Consider the following cases: KT is a 24 year old female completing her studies. While home for spring break, she presents to her primary care physician because she has been worried about her academic, professional, and personal future since class restarted in late August. She is constantly worried about passing all of her exams and that she is going to be the only one

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