Key Regulations for Nursing Practice in California and Montana


Two key regulations that are in important to focus on by BRN and Montana Board of Nursing (MBON) in this discussion are the scope of practice and prescriptive authority:

-In California, the scope of practice for APRN’s they are authorized to diagnose and treat illnesses, order in interpret diagnosis test, and prescribe medications. However, APRN’S must worked under the supervision of a physician (California Board of Registered Nursing, 2021).  

-In Montana, the scope of practice for APRNs is defined by the MBON. APRNs in Montana are authorized to diagnose and treat illness, order and interpret diagnostic test and prescribe medications However, APRNs in Montana have full practice authority, which means that do not need to work under the supervision of a physician (Montana Board of Nursing,2021).

-Another important APRN regulation to fucus is on prescriptive authority. In California, APRNs are authorized to prescribe medications, but they must have standardized procedure in place that outlines their prescriptive authority. The must also registers with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) (California Board of Registered Nursing, 2021).  

– In Montana, APRNs also have prescriptions authority, but they must obtain a separate license from the MBON in order to prescribe medications. APRNs must also register with the DEA. This regulation is design to ensure that prescribing medications is safe and appropriate (Montana Board of Nursing,2021).



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