Justification of Application of Appropriate Learning Theory NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 1 Learning Theories and Diversity


The topic was chosen based on a written assessment of the education requirements of staff in the labor and delivery process and a meeting with the nursing leadership. The discussion with them concluded that learning about the methods of providing support in labor pain will enable the nurses to utilize various kinds of tools and strategies that will help the patient to cope with pain, positioning of the fetus, and labor leading to the delivery of the baby. Learners have expressed a great interest in this course and their expertise will be improved in it. This approach will make learning a relevant process and will enable the learners to listen and participate in the discussion about labor pain and management. 

The integration of simulation in learning will be carried out in the curriculum of the class. The cognitive learning theory will be the most appropriate to fit in the framework of training based on simulation. It will enable the learners to process the received knowledge and information and incorporate it into the knowledge that they already had about the pain of labor and will apply the obtained knowledge in the practice of the classroom boosting their confidence about their skills and expertise about labor pain and its management. The cognitive theory addresses the efficacy of the individual learner that will broaden the learning and thinking perspective of the learner, and will boost up the self–motivation, and will enable them to take critical decisions on their own. The learners will observe the techniques as well as behaviors that need to be adopted for labor support and they will think that what needs to be improved for obtaining better outcomes in clinical settings so that they can help the patient in enduring labor effectively and patiently. This theory provides opportunities for thorough learning as it involves the integration of two approaches that are observations as well as cognition. The observation develops the roots of the learning process. The educator explains the adoption of new behavior and implements the new concepts of learning practically. It results in the self-regulation of the learner that allows him/her to apply the learned values in daily practices (Badyal & Singh, 2017). 

Other theories can also be applied but they do not produce as many positive outcomes as the cognitive learning theory produces. The other theories that can be used include social theory, connectivism, constructivism, etc. The limitations of the social theory include the rise of inner conflicts, it is less authentic, the least innovative, unexpected hindrances can occur, and it also creates self-doubt in the learning process. The connectivism theory is also less applicable because critics say that connectivism is a pedagogical theory instead of a learning theory. The theory also becomes prone to vagueness because it is still in the phase of making. It is unable to provide detailed knowledge about specific content so it will not be suitable for learning about labor pain. The constructivism approach is also applicable but it is the learning that is based on trial and error which makes the learning a time-consuming and tiresome process. The educators, as well as learners, need to do a lot of preparations and it is the most difficult approach to apply (Gandhi & Mukherji, 2020). 

Diversity of the Intended Group of Learners

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 1 Learning Theories and Diversity

The audience for the class of support in labor management is quite diverse in terms of age, culture, and experience in the labor process. The age category of participants includes Gen X ( 42-57 years), Millenials ( 26- 42 years), and Boomers ( 58-67 years). These age groups have different kinds of beliefs as well as approaches to learning theories and processes. The age category of boomers considers the value of long-term learning for improved outcomes and they choose a well-structured environment with a set of concise guidelines. Gen X considers education as the most basic requirement of life to succeed in life. They are keen on the application of their expertise in the process of learning and want efficiency in time and relevance of the knowledge which is presented in practical settings. Millennials are the most technology-loving group that prefers to use technology and focus on perfection by working in a group and learning through the process of trial and error.

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