Jean Watsons Theory Of Caring

Provision 4 of Provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics for nurses states, the nurse has the authority, accountability, and responsibility for nursing practice (Green 2022). The nurse is a responsible decision maker and takes necessary action with the intention to promote well-being, and provide the best care possible (Green, 2022). As a nurse you must be accountable for the care you provide and do not provide and be ready to justify your actions. If you are providing care and decide not to follow through with an order due to contraindications, then you must explain your nursing process and be able to back your reasoning with justifiable evidence, such as an EBP. As nurses we advocate for the health of our patients. It is often seen in the nursing field that nurses are neglectful to themselves (Linton, 2020). By being neglectful to ourselves, spiritually, mentally, and physically is detrimental to our health but also puts our patients at risk if we aren’t functioning to full capacity (Linton, 2020).

Nurses are developing poor coping skills and leading to self-care neglect. Studies have shown that there is an increase in PTSD, compassion fatigue, and suicide in the nursing profession (Linton, 2020). Nurses often forget to care for themselves because they are busy caring for others and start to feel somewhat guilty for taking care of themselves before others, it almost feels unnatural. I can honestly say I neglect myself and do not have a self-care regimen. I get tired from taking care of other people’s children all day and then come home to a very energetic 18 month old that I almost have no energy for anything, and then I feel guilty about neglecting myself. I did go to the gym daily before I became a wife and mother, but now more than ever other people’s needs come before my own and I am still trying to navigate those waters.

Green, S. Z. (2022). Advancing professional standards. In Grand Canyon University, Dynamics in Nursing: Art & Science of Professional Practice. (2nd ed.). Grand Canyon University.


Linton, M., & Koonmen, J. (2020). Self-care as an ethical obligation for nurses. Nursing Ethics, 27(8), 1694–1702.

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