Jean Watson Human caring nursing theory essay Examples Watson’s theory of human caring


Nursing has drastically changed over the last one hundred years. It has grown because nurses care about the health and well-being of their patients. Throughout history, nurses have made an impact on the care that patients have received. Caring is the root of nursing. Jean Watson created a nursing theory to guide nursing in their caring for patients. Nursing is not just a set of skills, and caring is the basic component of nursing.


Watson created the theory of human caring to guide nursing in caring for human beings. “Watson’s theory of human caring focuses on the human component of caring and the moment-to-moment encounters between the one who is caring and the one who is being cared for, especially the caring activities performed by nurses as they interact with others” (Fawcett, 2002). Caring has been the basis of nursing for generations. However, not everyone learns to care truly. Watson’s theory was created to guide nurses to developing a caring attitude. Watson’s theory places high regard on life and dignity. Nursing allows for growth and development of a person. Who a person is and who the person will become Jean Watson Human caring nursing theory essay Examples. Watson’s theory creates a holistic approach to nursing care and “promotes health better than a simple cure” (Nursing Theory, 2013). The three major elements of Watson’s theory are carative factors, transpersonal caring relationship, and the caring moment (Lukose, 2011).

The carative factors are concepts that satisfy human needs. According to Nursing Theory (2013) ”Watson’s 10 carative factors are: forming humanistic-altruistic value systems, instilling faith-hope, cultivating a sensitivity to self and others, developing a helping-trust relationship, promoting an expression of feelings, using problem-solving for decision-making, promoting teaching-learning, promoting a supportive environment, assisting with gratification of human needs, and allowing for existential-phenomenological forces” (para. 9). The first three of these caritas are the basis for Watson’s theory. The other seven are created from the first three. These caritas allow the nurse to treat the patient as a whole and to explore his or herself in the process. Jean Watson Human caring nursing theory essay Examples These guidelines allow nurses to first meet the basic needs of the patient, then to meet more advanced needs. This allows the nurse to incorporate all aspect of life into caring for the patient.

Transpersonal caring occurs when the nurse sees the patient not as an object but as a human being. The nurse feels and shows concern for the patient. Both the nurse and the patient search for meaning for the illness and situation at hand. “The goal of transpersonal caring relationship corresponds to protecting, enhancing, and preserving the person’s dignity, humanity, wholeness, and inner harmony” (Cara, 2003) Jean Watson Human caring nursing theory essay Examples.

According to Watson Caring Science Institute and International Caritas Consortium (2014), “A caring occasion occurs whenever the nurse and another come together with their unique life histories and phenomenal fields in a human-to-human transaction” (para. 13). The nurse is open to the needs of the patient’s feelings, thoughts, goals, environment, and beliefs. The nurse sees that patient not as an object or a set of tasks that need to be completed. The nurse sees the patient as a human being who needs healing physically, mentally, and spiritually. The nurse and patient connect creating a moment that will affect the universe. Jean Watson Human caring nursing theory essay Examples.

My personal caring moment occurred recently. I am a nurse employed in a long-term acute care hospital. I take care of patients who continue to need specialized care and do not meet the requirements to stay in an acute care hospital, but require more than a nursing home or home care can provide. I recently took care of a patient who came to use with severe ischial and coccyx wounds. This patient had been a through much in her short life. She was in a motor vehicle accident ten years ago, suffering a pelvic crushing injury. The patient later had bilateral amputations to both legs at the hip. Jean Watson Human caring nursing theory essay Examples She has suffered from anxiety and depression since the accident. She has remained physically healthy since the recovery from her amputations. This is the first time she has developed a wound. She had been treating the wound at home until sepsis set in, and she had to be taken to the local emergency room. The patient had had a change in level of consciousness at that time. Jean Watson Human caring nursing theory essay Examples.

I entered the room to provide my morning care of assessing the patient, co

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