I)Structure and functions of the male and female reproductive system. Male reproductive system.


The male reproductive system comprises both internal organs and external organs.
The external organs include the penis and the scrotum. The internal organs include the testes,
epididymis, vas deferens, accessory glands, and urethra. Each of these parts plays a vital role
in reproduction.
i)Penis- the penis comprises a long shaft and an enlarged bulbous-shaped tip referred
to as the glans penis. When the male is sexually aroused, the erectile tissues of the penis
become filled with blood and the penis becomes erect (Bossio, 2018). The penis plays a role
in penetration and ejaculation as it is the one that is inserted into the female’s vagina during
sexual intercourse.
ii)Scrotum- this is a bag-like structure that is located behind the penis. It consists of
several nerve endings and blood vessels. Its major role is holding and protecting the testicles.
When temperatures are low, the cremaster and dartos muscles contract and pull the scrotum

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and the testes closer to the body. During increased temperatures, the cremaster and dartos
muscles relax and the scrotum hangs bringing the testes further away from the body.
iii)Testes- they are two in number and are located within the scrotum. Their major
role in the production of the male reproductive gametes referred to as sperms (Dutta, 2020).
They also produce androgens that regulate male reproductive functions and are also
responsible for the expression of male secondary sexual characteristics.
iv)Epididymis- this is a long whitish mass of tightly coiled tubes next to the testes.
After sperms are produced in the testes, they go to the epididymis where they undergo
maturation and are stored awaiting ejaculation.
v)Vas-deferens- it is also referred to as the sperm duct. It is a thin tube that carries
spermatozoa from the epididymis to the urethra.
vi)Accessory glands- these include the prostate gland, the Cowper's glands, and the
seminal vesicles. Their major role is to produce fluids that nourish sperm cells and provide a
medium in which the sperms move (Contreras,2020).
vii)Urethra- in the reproduction process, the urethra provides a passage of semen and
sperms deposited by the sperm duct to the outside.

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Female reproductive system.

The female reproductive system also comprises both external organs (vulva) and
internal organs (vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries). The system is immature
at birth and develops to full maturity at puberty with the ability to sustain a fetus to full term.
i)Vulva-this is the external part that is visible from the outside. It encompasses the
mons pubis, pudendal cleft, labia majora and minora, the clitoris, and the vaginal opening
(Gress, 2017). Its major function is the protection of the internal organs. It also plays a vital
part in the facilitation of sexual intercourse by playing a key role in arousal and the provision
of lubrication during intercourse.
ii)Vagina-it is a passage that connects the cervix to the outside. It plays a key role in
the reception of the erect penis during intercourse and facilitates the retention of sperms
allowing their movement into the uterus. It also allows the discharge of both blood and
mucosal tissue that is shed at the end of each menstrual cycle.

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iii)Cervix-this is the muscular part located between the cervix and the vagina. It is
responsible for the production of mucus that facilitates the passage of sperms into the uterus
(Fair, 2019). It also helps in maintaining the fetus in the uterus during pregnancy. It is also
responsible for maintaining the sterility of the upper reproductive tract.
iv)Uterus-this is another muscular part located between the bladder and the uterus. It
is the site of implantation after fertilization. It facilitates the development of the growing
fetus, housing it and providing all the necessary conditions for growth.
v)Fallopian tubes-these are muscular tubes that connect the uterus to the ovaries. The
main function is to facilitate the movement of the ovum from the ovary to the uterus. It also
forms the site where fertilization takes place.
vi)Ovaries-these are two oval-shaped organs normally held in place by the broad
ligament (Kumar, 2020). They are responsible for the production of the female gametes(ova).
They are also involved in the release of sex steroid hormones.

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II) Role of hormones during;

Gametogenesis is the formation of haploid gametes in both the male

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