Investigate the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Workforce


With the rapid growth of AI, experts are predicting that intelligent software and robots will
revolutionize jobs that are being performed by humans today, with some even claiming that AI
will result in the end of work as we know it. These predictions are often based on pure
speculation as there is currently a lack of data in terms of what jobs are being replaced by AI,
the rate of progress of AI and what new jobs are emerging due to AI. In class, we discussed
jobs that will be eliminated by AI, jobs that will be augmented by AI and jobs that can only be
done by humans. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many deeper issues
related to these topics and there are also many other issues that we did not cover.
In your final report, you will do a deeper dive into the subject of AI and the workforce. In
particular, you will need to decide if the impact of AI on the workforce will be a positive one or a
negative one. Once you have picked a side, you will present 3 compelling arguments (or more if
you wish) that support your point of view


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