Interprofessional Approach to Implement Proposed Policy NURS FPX 6026 Assessment 2 Biopsychosocial Population Health Policy Proposal


Multidisciplinary care is the cornerstone of lung cancer treatment in the developed world, even though there is a relative lack of consistent evidence that this care model improves outcomes. There should be a set of instructions to run an efficient multidisciplinary care model for lung cancer patients with an emphasis on team members assigned roles. Lung cancer care models can vary among different countries or even among institutions within the same country depending on the infrastructure, available resources, quality standards, and operating procedures. A serial referral system may help in this regard. This system involves individual specialist referrals offered as the patient progresses in the diagnostic or treatment pathway. A team consisting of a respiratory physician, medical oncologist, clinical oncologist, thoracic surgeon, pathologist, clinical nurse specialist, and psychologists should be available in the concerned department to treat affected persons accordingly. Nurses are a crucial part of a multidisciplinary approach to keeping a record of patient history and measuring improvement levels (Siler et al., 2019).

Knowledge Gaps or Areas of Uncertainty

NURS FPX 6026 Assessment 2 Biopsychosocial Population Health Policy Proposal

Coping with the uncertainty of cancer is one of the most difficult aspects of survivorship and knowing that lung cancer may never be considered fully cured can hit hard, especially when working so hard to reach remission. We may not be able to stop cancer from progressing or coming back, but we can take control of how we live and how we proceed with treatment to ensure that someone continues to feel as strong and healthy as possible. Becoming involved in the lung cancer community has made many people anxious and the fear of cancer recurrence. According to a US report, millions of people have been affected by lung cancer. With the combined efforts of nurses, physicians and researchers this problem can be tackled. The requirements are more detailed research and expert nurses to keep things on track (Lyons & Lee, 2019).


NURS FPX 6026 Assessment 2 Biopsychosocial Population Health Policy Proposal

Adoption of a healthy lifestyle and considering hygiene measures can reduce the risk of lung cancer, and decrease the concept of smoking and drug overuse. The risk of becoming immune system weak and the respiratory system is affected can be minimized by taking hygienic steps. This will not only beneficial for our health but will also lead our environment towards the safer side. Effective improvement is seen among young and elderly people by counseling them about adopting a healthy lifestyle and regular use of prescribed medicines.

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