Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal of a Local Hospital: Objective and Team Organization


Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Introduction

This interdisciplinary plan proposal is developed for the intensive care unit of a local hospital. One of the burning issues, as seen by some members of the staff, is the absence of a sound safety culture in the department. This plan is aimed at improving the quality of provided services by reducing the rate of medical errors, so the desired outcome is a reduced number of medical errors in the unit.

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Plan Objective

The project will result in the development of a set of effective safety policies that are followed and appreciated by the staff of the unit. The creation of safety culture will be instrumental in reducing the medical error rate, improving the quality of care and will lead to improved performance of the department, higher patient satisfaction, and higher employee motivation.

Interdisciplinary Care Plan Questions and Predictions

How much time will the development of the policies take?

The development of the guidelines and protocols will last for approximately two weeks since the process will involve discussions and the incorporation of different people’s views.

How much time will be needed to implement the new safety culture?

The implementation period will take up to three months and will require strong leadership and involvement of major stakeholders.

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What healthcare professionals will make up the team working on the policies?

A physician, a nurse, a pharmacist, an administrator, a patient representative will become members of the interdisciplinary team.

How will the team’s work be arranged?

The interdisciplinary team will meet two times a week during the working day, which will require additional staff for the meeting hours. The team members will be paid their usual hourly payment and will receive bonuses for their involvement in the process. The use of resources (stationery and office equipment) will be limited so no considerable investment in this area will be needed. The discussion involving other members of the staff will take place during regular meetings of the corresponding staff, as well as through the information system utilized in the hospital.

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Change Theories and Leadership Strategies

In order to implement the project, it is suggested to employ the Five As Behavior Change Model. This change framework implies undertaking the following steps: assess, advise, agree, assist, and arrange (Lopez-Jeng & Eberth, 2019). This model will help team members to remain focused, engage other stakeholders effectively, and collaborate successfully. When following the stages of assessing and advising, the team members will build a sense of urgency, facilitate the discussion of existing problems related to safety and ways to eliminate them.

Team members will complete the stage of agreeing by developing and introducing policies aimed at improving safety to other staff members. During the assisting step, the staff and the team members will discuss possible barriers to the successful implementation of new policies. The arranging phase will include the development of improved policies and their implementation. If necessary, the discussion of barriers that actuall

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