Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal NHS4010: Leading in Interdisciplinary Practice Introduction


In the previous assignment interview, it was discovered that there was an issue related to lack of communication between management and clinical care staff. This ultimately led to frustrated and dissatisfied care staff resulting in high turnover. The desired outcome of this proposal is to increase management and clinical staff communication. Objective This plan proposal will entail structured and open meetings between management and care staff. The objective of this plan is to eliminate a "we vs. them" attitude between management and care staff, increasing patient care and decreasing worker turnover. Questions and Predictions 1.Is there enough time in the work week to allocate time for these meetings? a.Meetings can be capped at a predetermined minute limit. Also, the potential benefit outcome of these meetings outweigh work time lost. Maybe over time reduce frequency to monthly. 2.Will employees and managers attend the meetings? a.They can be made mandatory meetings. 3.How will success of the meetings be determined? a.Employee satisfaction ratings and reduced care staff turnover. Change Theories, Leadership Strategies & Team Collaboration The strategy is to increase management and care staff communication. This will foster better relationships between the staff and a better understanding of the overall picture for care staff and also allow their opinions and feedback to be heard, encouraging employee empowerment. As cited in the previous assignment, a study that examined clinical staff and their relationship with non-clinical managers and how their relationship positively or negatively

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