Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Essay Write a brief introduction (2 to 3 sentences) to your proposal that outlines the issue you are attempting to solve, the part of the organization in which the plan would be carried out, and the desired outcome.

Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal

An interdisciplinary plan is a detailed plan of care developed by healthcare providers from the various professionals who make up the healthcare team. During the planning process, each health professional’s input is considered and weighed against the benefits and risks to patients. In the previous assessment, I interviewed a geriatric nurse practitioner (GNP) in a long-term care facility where we identified polypharmacy as a major problem. The interdisciplinary plan is a comprehensive interdisciplinary medication review in the inpatient setting of the facility to reduce polypharmacy. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the best practices of interprofessional collaboration, change theory, leadership strategies, and organizational resources that can be employed to address polypharmacy.



The interdisciplinary team will assess the risks and benefits of each patient’s prescribed and OTC medicine and make decisions about maintaining or removing the drug from the treatment plan. The healthcare team will have shared decision-making, which will help reduce the number of prescribed drugs for each patient (Bosch-Lenders et al., 2021). If polypharmacy is reduced by decreasing the number of drugs per patient, the plan will improve patient outcomes by reducing adverse drug events and lowering the overall cost to patients and the organization.

Questions and Predictions

  1. How will the team know the medications a patient is using? The team will extract the number of medications from the physician’s and pharmacist’s patient records at the beginning of the intervention and follow-up.
  2. How will the interdisciplinary team know the changes they have made to a patient’s medication plan? Any changes made to the pharmacological plan will be compared to the medication list of the former assessment and will be based on a patient’s report to avoid the concordance between medicines prescribed, medication dispensed, and the medication used (Mangin et al., 2021). The team will utilize patient reports on actual use to assess changes made
  3. How will reducing polypharmacy promote medication adherence among patients with chronic illnesses? Polypharmacy is linked with reduced medication adherence. Thus, reducing the number of medications will motivate patients to comply with their prescribed therapy (Mangin et al., 2021).


Change Theories and Leadership Strategies

Ronald Havelock’s change theory will use in implementing the comprehensive interdisciplinary medication review plan to address polypharmacy. The theory has six phases of change: Building a relationship; Diagnosing the problem; Acquiring resources; Choosing a pathway for the solution; Gaining acceptance; Maintaining and Separating (Udod & Wagner, 2018). The theory will promote knowledge building, effective communication strategies, staff response approaches, and support systems when implementing the interdisciplinary plan. Furthermore, the change theory will help identify the changes needed to lower the number of patients facing polypharmacy in the facility.

Participative leadership is one of the leadership strategies that will be employed in implementing the interdisciplinary plan to address polypharmacy. It will entail the team leader involving all the members in decision-making. The leadership strategy will encourage collaboration in the interdisciplinary team by fostering accountability in individual roles and members collaborating to identify solutions. Besides, it will help build trust by showing the importance and value of the team’s opinion on important issues (Smith et al., 2018). Thus, participative leadership will help develop an interdisciplinary solution by having every interdisciplinary team member contribute to decision-making on the medications a patient should be prescribed and those that should be stopped.


Team Collaboration Strategy                           

The comprehensive interdisciplinary medication review plan will be implemented by a team comprising physicians, nurses, and pharmacists in partnership with patients. Collaboration will be fostered in the interdisciplinary team through effective communication skills by the team leader (Rosen et al., 2018). The team leader will be expected to employ communication strategies that promote intra-team communication, collaborative decision-making, and effe

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