Instructions: 1. Choose 1 of the following websites for the assignment: • o The Leapfrog Group ( (Links to an external site.)) o The Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( (Links to an external site.)) o Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Database Report

Background Information

Locate and provide the name of a publicly accessible database for healthcare  


The name of the database is Healthcare Delivery Research Program and is maintained by the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences department of the National Cancer Institute.



Citation for the website in APA format



Data & tools. (2021, September 20). Healthcare Delivery Research Program.
What is the purpose of the database?



The purpose of the database is to support the maintenance and development of various tools and data available for research related to cancer patients.

Data Details

What type of information is available (such as but not limited to age, gender, diagnosis, state, etc.)?



The website has four categories of databases that include SEER-Medicare Linked database, SEER Medicaid linked database, SEER Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (SEER-CAHPS), and SEER-Medicare Health Outcomes Survey (SEER-MHOS). The databases provide various types of data, including population-based data on Medicaid beneficiaries suffering from cancer, population-based information for an array of epidemiological research questions related to health services for cancer patients, and experiences of Medicare beneficiaries. The website focuses mainly on the data related to the care and quality of life of older cancer patients and survivors. SEER-CAHPS provides information related to comorbidities, patterns of care, treatment costs and healthcare providers and facilities, access to care, care coordination, provider communication, and timeliness of care. SEER-MHOS provides information related to activities of daily living, the effectiveness of care, and health-related quality of life.
Who oversees the data, and how often is the database is updated?



The Healthcare Delivery Research Program oversees the data. The program is organized into three branches that include Healthcare Assessment, Outcomes and Health Systems and Interventions, which reflects areas of data that each branch oversees. Program directors in all three branches provide every form of advice, consultation, and information related to funding opportunities, science policies and procedures and grant applications. The database is updated on a yearly basis. This facilitates the achievement of the program’s vision and mission of improving health and achieving optimal health outcomes for cancer patients and their families.
When was the last update?



The last update was on 28th January 2022.


How can the information in the database be used? Explain



The information in the database can be used to improve care and health outcomes for cancer patients. The database provides information relating to the experiences of cancer patients at various stages of the cancer care continuum. This information can be used to identify areas with poor performance leading to the identification of new strategies for improvement. The epidemiological data provided by the database can be used by relevant health agencies to make predictions and develop strategies related to cancer prevention, especially at the community level. The database provides information on physicians’ use of therapies, screening modalities, and new technologies and their influence on cancer burden. This information can be used by health facilities to improve care for cancer patients through policies and procedures.
Are there any restrictions to accessing and using the data?


Why this is important to know? Explain

There are no restrictions to accessing and using the data. It is important to be aware of any restrictions to access and use of the data to ensure that one is faced with ethical issues that may lead to legal implications. The information provided in the database mainly focuses on facilitating research questions related to cancer care. The information is accessible to any researcher interested in cancer care. Order this paper