Influence of Mass Media on Teenage Sexuality



I recently watched a movie entitled Why Him?. Though several issues of popular culture are addressed in Why Him?, one that stood out most was sexuality. The movie is based on a couple who have two teenage children, a college girl and a high school boy. The girl happens to have a boyfriend who is an older guy working as coder for tech-companies. The boyfriend is rich and is considered to have a “free spirit” and an annoying honest tongue without self-control. The boyfriend exerts influence not only on the girlfriend but much more on the teenage son and the mother. He influences the sexual attitude and behavior of both the mother and the son, including their speech and image. The same influence can be replicate in the viewer. In this regard, this paper finds that films, television, internet, magazines, newspapers and books have the potential to influence popular culture in today’s society. New technologies like the internet and social media have significantly changed the manner in which information is shared between users. Mass media information can either be detrimental or constructive and it is therefore necessary to assess the influence it has on teenage sexuality by mainly focusing on televised programs. According to a recent study, children and adolescents exposed to sex through media are likely to engage in sexual activity much earlier than those who are not (Ciesynki). Therefore, the production and distribution of television’s sexual content should be controlled.

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In today’s culture, televised programs are convenient educators. The popularity of television makes it a convenient channel for exposure to sexual topic without embarrassment that typically arises when parents and children discuss issues related to sex. Though sexual content on television are seldom explicit, they are abundant and provide sexual information that teenagers would not get elsewhere. The storylines and characterizations presented in verbal and visual context through television deliver content with massive examples of how to approach intimacy. On the other hand, concern on televised content indicates that sexual messages are not only limited but are potentially harmful and at times stereotypical. The concern is that the prevalence of sexual content on television largely overemphasizes the role of intimacy in male-female relationships. Additionally, only one dimension to sexual relationships is depicted showing sexual encounters to be spontaneous, romantic and free of risks. Therefore, the limited yet prevalent nature of sexual content on television has sparked keen interest from researchers whether viewing such content is associated with permissive sexual attitudes, irresponsible decision-making on sexual matters, and distorted expectation of younger generations.

Multiple studies have on this subject have reported the association between the amount of television viewing and viewers’ sexual expectations, behaviors and attitudes (Ciesynki; Vandenbosch et al). Greater exposure to television viewing has been found to have greater influence on viewers’ attitude towards sex and intimate relationships. Both experimental exposure and heavy consumption of sexually oriented content like music videos and soap operas have been related to the expression of more liberal sexual attitudes, sexual improprieties, and negativity towards remaining a virgin. These findings provide evidence linking viewing of sexually-oriented content to viewers’ sexuality.

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Teenagers and Sexuality

Adolescence is experienced during teenage life. During adolescence teenagers undergo adjustments characterized by insecurities regarding self-identity, sexuality and orientations. Adolescence is an important period since teenagers experience sexual development and exploration during this period.  Additionally, individuals begin to consider sexual behaviors that are moral, enjoyable and appropriate. Sexual activity is experienced by many teenagers at adolescence.

According to Barna Group, each generation of teenagers struggles with the developmental milestone of sexuality. Sexuality includes component

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