In your role as a public health nurse, what features or strategies would you implement when evaluating an intervention?


            Intervention evaluation aims at determining whether progress is being made towards the intended goals, desired outcomes are achieved, justify the needs for continued support or even compare its performance to others. Some of the strategies that can be implemented to evaluate public health interventions include engaging stakeholders. Stakeholders include parties interested in the interventions; they can include participants/beneficiaries of the intervention, organizations, or other influential individuals (CDC, n.d) Their inclusion and support during evaluation are important to ensure cooperation and provision of the necessary resources. Without their support, the evaluation process can be ignored resisted, and in extreme instances, it can be sabotaged, leading to its failure. Another strategy would be to comprehensively describe the program linking all of its components and the intended outcomes for each component. Developing a comprehensive description gives a better understanding of the measurements that one should focus on during the evaluation process and increases the likelihood that an evaluation process will be successful. Another strategy would be to develop an evaluation team; intervention evaluation requires diverse skills for successful completion, which are rarely found in a single individual. Therefore, it would be important to include other specialists with different skills and abilities to ensure that the evaluation process is a success (Walden University, 2022). It would also be important to select a suitable evaluation design model; several designs can be used to evaluate public health interventions. However, they are not all suitable for any situation. Therefore, as a public health nurse evaluating an intervention, it is important to identify and select the most appropriate evaluation design to ensure that the results achieved are appropriate and usable (Clarke et al., 2019).


Center for Disease prevention and control, (n.d) Introduction to Program Evaluation for Public Health Programs: A Self-Study Guide. Retrieved from:

Clarke, G. M., Conti, S., Wolters, A. T., & Steventon, A. (2019). Evaluating the impact of healthcare interventions using routine data. bmj365

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