In this unit you were introduced to various leadership strategies for communicating organizational vision, goal setting, and decision-making. Effective leaders are known for seeking ways to better connect with followers in order to enhance team performances, promote organizational effectiveness, and seek clarity on what has been working well while determining what may need to change. Using your current employer or a company that interests you, respond to the following questions/topics. Briefly describe your company, including its vision. How does leadership support the vision? Identify potential problems or issues (current or future) that your company might experience if teams do not respectfully follow the requests of leadership when making crucial organizational decisions. Explain how followers can play a vital role in decision-making and goal setting if they are highly engaged in organizational processes and collaborate effectively in meetings. Analyze how different delivery style

Discuss an example of how a nurse leader was successful in spearheading change within an organization, institution, or the government that impacted healthcare policy. What driving forces led to the nurse leader’s success? What obstacles were encountered and how were they addressed?

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System Change

Healthcare changes can be difficult to implement focus on how the facility is associated with several stakeholders each focused on different roles. As a nurse leader, successfully implementing change can have an impact on how the organization operates. An example of how a nurse leader was successful in spearheading change in an organization is during the shift to using the Electronic Health Record (EHR) from the traditional system of operations (Solomon & Kanter, 2018). The nurse made use of different strategies to ensure that the system has been successfully implemented and all the ley variables addressed.

The first step used was the communication with proper stakeholders on what is expected and how the process will be conducted. The leader communicated with the nurses and informed them of the importance of the new system and how it will impact the nature of care and company culture (Gottwald & Lansdown, 2021). The nurse leader also organized training sessions before the system was implemented to ensure that each key person was familiar with the interface and how it worked to reduce chances of errors and other issues. Data migration was done to ensure that all the previous information was placed in the system to enable continuity of care delivery.

These strategies were effective in ensuring that the nurse leader was successful in implementing these strategies. The support from both the management and the staff was effective in motivating the nurse leader to perform the roles and successfully implement the policies. While there were various obstacles such as some staff objecting to the idea due to time and age constraints, the proper communication helped to create a mutual understanding (Durks et al., 2017). The nurse was able to improve the performance of the organization, solve any issues through dialogue, and successfully led the implementation of the EHR system.


Durks, D., Fernandez-Llimos, F., Hossain, L. N., Franco-Trigo, L., Benrimoj, S. I., & Sabater-Hernández, D. (2017). Use of intervention mapping to enhance health care professional practice: A systematic review. Health Education & Behavior44(4), 524-535.

Gottwald, M., & Lansdown, G. E. (2021). 4 Change management and implementing quality improvement programmes. Ebook: Clinical Governance: Improving the quality of healthcare for patients and service users, 84.

Solomon, L. S., & Kanter, M. H. (2018). Health care steps up to social determinants of health: Current context. The Permanente Journal22.

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In this unit you were introduced to various leadership strategies for communicating organizational vision, goal setting, and decision-making. Effective leaders are known for seeking ways to better connect with followers in order to enhance team performances, promote organizational effectiveness, and seek clarity on what has been working well while determining what may need to change. Using your current employer or a company that interests you, respond to the following questions/topics. Briefly describe your company, including its vision. How does leadership support the vision? Identify potential problems or issues (current or future) that your company might experience if teams do not respectfully follow the requests of leadership when making crucial organizational decisions. Explain how followers can play a vital role in decision-making and goal setting if they are highly engaged in organizational processes and collaborate effectively in meetings. Analyze how different delivery style

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An organization’s efficiency and achievement of goals are enabled by its leadership. Leadership helps an organization by providing purpose, motivation, and realization of mission and vision.  Good leadership involves the ability to influence and guide followers in an organization. This paper, there will focus on Jeff Bezos’s leadership in Amazon, how his leadership facilitates the achievement of Amazon’s vision, and the role of employees in decision making.

Further, there will be a discussion of potential problems that might arise when followers disregard the leadership decisions. Lastly, different communication styles and better ways of improving leadership will be discussed. Leadership roles are crucial to the effective running of an organization; it is an essential requirement for an organization to have a good leadership style.


Amazon is an internet-based enterprise with online and physical stores, that sell movies, electronics, housewares, books, and movies among other commodities. Amazon has a high commitment to customer experience. The vision statement of amazon according to Amazon (2020) is “to be the earth’s most customer-centric; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.” Amazon’s sales are done either directly or through a middleman who connects retailers and amazon’s customers. Amazon is a successful multinational technology business with millions of customers worldwide.

Amazon’s leadership through Jeff Bezos is recognized widely through its method of transformational. The leadership of amazon motivates and inspires its followers to achieve more every day (Gradinaru et al., 2020).  Amazon’s employees are guided to provide customer satisfaction through thorough commitment. As the amazon vision statement suggests, its leadership ensures that all the company’s dealing is customer-centric.

Potential Problems


Leadership gives a company directive that guides it in achieving more and becoming successful. If the company’s team does not respect the request of the leadership when making organizational decisions, the company might be challenged by stiff competition (Marr, 2018). Amazon is competitive due to its dedication to offering customer satisfaction, failure to follow leadership additives may lead to facing major competition problems from other online companies.

Customer Service

In amazon, there is a major focus on providing the best customer service by supporting customers before and after-sales. Amazon ensures that its customers enjoy the experience when shopping with them (Marr, 2018). If the amazon team does not respect leadership requests to provide the best customer experience in decision-making, then there would be customer service challenges in the organization (Fool, 2018).

Customer service challenges might involve a lack of customer satisfaction, failure of reaching customers’ expectations, and upsetting customers among others. When a company faces customer service problems, the sales decrease and even get bad ratings.

Bad Reputation

When customers are having displeasure with the products and services of an organization, they rate it poorly. If Amazon’s employees fail to respect the requests of the leadership when making crucial decisions, the company ends up failing to provide quality goods and services (Marr, 2018). Poor quality products and services displease customers, who voice their displeasure even before the company monitors its reputation. To maintain a good reputation, amazon employees and team members should work together with their leadership in making crucial decisions that affect the company.

Followers’ Role in Decision Making

When a company has effective followers, it can be great at shaping productive leadership behaviors and employee productivity. Engaging followers in organizational processes and collaborations can enable them in making effective decisions and set goals that benefit the company (Zheng, 2018). Followers help leaders to guide the organization in realizing its goals. Engaging followers in an organization help them in engaging with the company’s duties and contributing meaningfully to decision-making. Further, followers push ideas in the organization that leads to solving problems in the organization.

Delivery Styles of Communication

Different styles of delivering communication by leaders can positively or negatively affect the performance and behavior of followers. Communication involves how

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