In a paper (750-1,000 words), summarize your analysis of this exercise. Include the following: Provide a summary of your learning style. List your preferred learning strategies. Compare your preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style. Discuss how the awareness of individual learning styles, preferences and strategies influence teaching (those who are in a position to teach) and learning (those who are in a position to learn). Cite a minimum of three references in the paper.

A learning style refers to how different learners acquire, process, understand, and retain new information. It denotes the habitual cognitive and affective behaviors which influence how each learner interacts in learning environments or situations (Mangold et al., 2018). There are four primary learning styles: visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic. Regarding learning styles, this paper will discuss the author’s learning style and preferred learning strategies and discuss how personal learning styles impact the level to which a learner can comprehend or carry out educational activities.

Personal Learning Style

The VARK questionnaire helps one identify their learning style by proposing the learning strategies one should employ to increase their capacity to understand and carry out the learning activities. According to the VARK questionnaire, I am a Very Strong Kinesthetic. The results were Visual-2, Aural-2, Read/Write- 2, and Kinesthetic-12. In the Kinesthetic learning style, the learner understands more effectively when experiences and real things are provided, even if presented as images or through screens (VARK, 2019).  Individuals who fall under the Kinesthetic learning style prefer to learn through experiences and real things. From the VARK assessment, I realized that I prefer encountering experiences since they foster comprehension of concepts. Besides, I identify ideas as valuable if they appear real, practical, and relevant to my life experiences.

Preferred Learning Strategies

A learning strategy refers to a person’s approach of organizing and applying a specific set of skills to understand the content or achieve other tasks more effectively and efficiently in academic and non-academic environments. I prefer to learn how to solve a problem by being presented with a real case scenario and applying it to learn the concepts of addressing similar issues. Besides, I prefer learning through practical experiences because I can understand concepts better and retain them in the long term compared to when I read a book or listen to a lecture. I also grasp new information more effectively from practical learning sessions such as field practicum and projects. Furthermore, I prefer tutors and instructors who teach using demonstrations and provide real-life scenarios and guide the learner to apply the learned concept in solving an existing issue.

My preferred learning strategies compare to most strategies under the Kinesthetic learning style. For instance, the preferred strategies in the Kinesthetic learning style include using real things and experiences when presented through images and screens. Other preferred strategies include documentaries and autobiographies, applying theories before theoretical learning, demonstrations, and applying learned concepts (VARK, 2019). Furthermore, people with the kinesthetic preference would rather discuss real things in their lives, have their own experiences, carry out activities with others, and achieve things using actions(VARK, 2019). Like my preferences,  kinesthetic individuals prefer solving practical problems and applying problem-solving approaches and desire to achieve measurable outcomes.

Effect on Educational Performance and Importance of Identifying Learning Styles for Learners as an Educator

A person’s learning style influences how they comprehend or carry out educational activities. A learner grasps the concepts more effectively when the teaching method is consistent with their learning style (Childs-Kean et al., 2020). Consequently, when the teaching method aligns with the learner’s learning style, they understand and perform educational activities more effectively than when forced to adjust to other learning styles. An educator should strive to understand the preferred learning styles of individual learners in order to modify the teaching style to suit each learner’s style. By identifying individual learning styles, the educator can plan the teaching session to incorporate teaching methods that match the learners’ learning styles (Childs-Kean et al., 2020). For instance, in a setting with learners having all the learning styles, the educator can include: chart and diagrams for visuals, a lecture and audio recordings for the aural, reading handouts and books for read/write, and case studies and demonstrations for the kinesthetic. By doing so, the educator will help each learner gain the most from the learning session.

Learning Styles and Health Promotion

Health providers conducting health promotion need to be familiar with the learning styles of the individuals receiving the health education. Understanding a patient’s learning style helps enhance their learning, understanding, and retention of the health messages.  Retention of health promotio

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