In a 1-page response, create a plan for social change that incorporates a global perspective or lens into your local practice and role as a nurse leader. Explain how you would advocate for the incorporation of a global perspective or lens into your local practice and role as a nurse leader. Explain how the incorporation of a global perspective or lens might impact your local practice and role as a nurse leader. Explain how the incorporation of a global perspective or lens into your local practice as a nurse leader represents and contributes to social change. Be specific and provide examples.

A Plan for Social Change

Nurses, as advocates, play an important role in helping their organizations to implement interventions that will generate positive health outcomes for patients. For example, the nurse leader can utilize a number of strategies to advocate for the integration of a global lens into local practice (Azar, 2021). One of the approaches is by holding meetings with key stakeholders to agree on the global issues to be given priority in the practice setting. For example, it is important to hold meetings with pediatricians and representatives from the World Health Organization (WHO) to identify the best actions to take to reduce under-five infant mortality (Robbins & Davidhizar, 2020). The other way to incorporate the global lens is to utilize healthcare technology such as telehealth to reach populations that cannot visit the healthcare physically. In both the United States and India, rurality is preventing families from accessing healthcare services for their infants, a factor that increases child mortality (Anders et al., 2021). Telehealth can help to address this access barrier and reduce under-five mortality rates.

Incorporating a global lens into local practice will not only affect the practice setting and personal role as a nurse leader but it will also represent and contribute to social change. For instance, the action will improve service delivery in local practice. It will also increase the nurse leader’s involvement in advancing clinical practice (Anders et al., 2021). As far as social change is concerned, integrating a global perspective will enhance social and cultural relationships between populations and healthcare providers for enhanced service delivery (Azar, 2021; Robbins & Davidhizar, 2020). Through effective collaboration, healthcare settings can benefit significantly from viewing healthcare issues from a global perspective.



Alderman, H., Nguyen, P. H., & Menon, P. (2019). Progress in reducing child mortality and stunting in India: an application of the Lives Saved Tool. Health Policy and Planning34(9), 667-675.

Anders, R. L., Jackson, D., Davidson, P. M., & Daly, J. P. (2021). Nursing leadership for 21st Century. Revista Latino-americana de Enfermagem29, e3472.

Azar K. (2021). The evolving role of nurse leadership in the fight for health equity. Nurse Leader19(6), 571–575.

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