In 400-500 words, respond to the following: How ought the Christian think about sickness and health? How should a Christian think about medical intervention? What should Mike as a Christian do? How should he reason about trusting God and treating James in relation to what is truly honoring the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence in James\’s care?

Christian Thinking on Sickness and Health, Medical Intervention and Honoring Beneficence and non-maleficence

The perceived role of religion in health and illness as well as the healing continuum is a critical factor among many Christians seeking healthcare services. Christians should perceive sickness and health as two critical issues in one’s beliefs and the perception that they will have on medical interventions. Sickness is not a punishment from God but offers a chance for one to have better outcomes by following recommendations and interventions as prescribed by the providers. Christians should consider health is attainment of wellness but not the absence of any disease or condition in their lives. Health is a gift from God but should demonstrate that one has more faith than another one. Therefore, Christians should consider health as important and those sick seek medical intervention to attain better status.

Medical interventions look at processes and actions aimed at restoration of health and preventing the occurrence of diseases and health conditions. Mike needs to consider that the current situation and condition requires medical interventions. Mike should not perceive James’ condition as lack of trust and faith in God leading him to seek spiritual intervention. Therefore, Christians should not oppose medical interventions but consider them as a way of attaining healing. Christians should accept science and its biomedical uses to prevent and eliminate unnecessary suffering and protect the sanctity of life (Zwitter, 2019). The biblical account and teachings are categorical that medical interventions alongside prayers can lead to healing and restoration of health. God bestows intelligence onto man and through his power, allowed people to discover medical interventions to cure diseases and prevent or stop suffering.

Christians should consider medical knowledge and expertise as God’s gift to offer healing to His people. Christians should know that alongside prayers, these interventions are essential and lead to quality care outcomes as well as demonstrate the autonomy, use of evidence-based practices, and overall need for people to have better healthcare (Zwitter, 2019). In this case, Mike must demonstrate his faith in God and allow the providers to use medical interventions as prescribed to cure his son and provide a healing environment.

As a Christian, Mike need to maintain his faith and trust in God that He shall heal his son despite the current condition. Mike should allow the physician to implement the suggested interventions while he prays for miracles. Mike need to allow James to undergo the dialysis and use the information offered by the medical team to determine the best way to alleviate his son’s suffering. The most effective decision for Mike and Joanne is to collaborate with the physician and his team while allowing James to undergo the kidney transplant without any hindrances. The should pray for God’s healing while ensuring that they respect all medical interventions for the best interests and benefits of their son, James.

The principle of beneficence focuses on promotion of greater good for patients and engagement in actions that are in the best intentions of a patients (Beauchamp & Childress, 2019). Mike can honor this ethical principle by acknowledging the magnitude of James’s condition and the need for a transplant. Mike should consider that the recommendation for James to have a transplant is aimed at his good and not intention harm based on the principle of non-maleficence. By allowing the son to undergo these interventions, Mike would be respecting the principle of beneficence and non-maleficence. Mike should ensure that his son gets the best treatment interventions and coordinate with the physician and his team to offer the best care for their son.

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