In 250-300 words, explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care. In 250-300 words, explain what scientism is and describe two of the main arguments against it. In 750-1,000 words, answer each of the worldview questions according to your own personal perspective and worldview:

  1. Explain what scientism is and describe two of the main arguments against it?

Scientism is defined as a belief that everything can only be explained using science. Those who follow the idea believe, worship, and perform its rituals. People who believe in religion mostly seek information through traditions that have been passed in many generations; this differs from scientism, which does involve identifying the observables and variables. Scientism is fully built on the opinion that knowledge can only be acquired through science. This is the exact opposite of Christians and faith.

According to scientism, death is considered as the end of life, and there is no life after death. There is no belief a near-death experience does exist; they conclude that no scientific evidence on near-death experience and life after one is dead. Scientism considers human reason, and experimental methods are responsible for all the knowledge one possesses.

Major arguments against scientism are on the proposal that life exists after death and that there is a God who controls us. God is considered a supernatural being whose powers cannot be even with science. Science being more of what we can see and physically appreciate, it tends to move away from beliefs on supernatural powers. Scientism needs to understand all kinds of faith and beliefs, even though some matters can never be proven scientifically. On life after death, may reincarnation may be considered scientific. The reincarnation process is not yet transparent or proven, but it has got support from both Christians and some scientists. Not all can be scientifically proven; some must be accepted through faith. Again, religion should never limit one’s reasoning; they must be flexible to appreciate everything around them.







a.)What is the ultimate reality?

In my perspective, ultimate reality is having a God, the creator of the world and everything in it. He gives us the freedom of living as we wish. In as much as we live as we wish, He asks us to pray and follow the commandments in the bible. In Deuteronomy chapter 30: 19- 20, God asks us to choose life so that we may live. In this verse, the heavens and the earth are like witnesses against our choice of either life or death, life-enabling our children to live freely. In general, there is a supernatural being controlling the universe. He might be beyond our understanding, making us unable to appreciate our presence without a strong faith.

b.)What is the nature of the universe?

The nature of the universe is greatly tied to the ultimate reality. God created the universe in six days before having a rest on the seventh day. Human beings were created and made disciples all over the world to pass God’s message to their children and grandchildren. The universe is an open one with a lot of activities being carried out, including miracles, divine intervention, and other angelic activities. The open nature of the universe has led to beliefs, which could never exist in a closed world. The world is made to accommodate all God’s creatures; it is made up of gases, water, and other living organisms. Oxygen gas, which is required by all living things, does exist in dissolved to sustain water creatures.

c.What is a human being?

Human beings, in my perspective, are the most evolved inhabitants of the earth. Just like other components of the ecosystem, human beings are a product of time and chance. The human brain can imagine, do creative activities, speak different languages, and reflect on themselves. The brain can perform such activities because of the evolution it has undergone over time. God created human beings to take care of other living organisms on earth since their IQ was better. Human beings disappointed God after eating the forbidden fruit, making them suffer.

d.What is your knowledge?

My belief about knowledge is taking information from a reliable source and set it aside in my memory for future use.  This information needs to be trustworthy and known to the

world.  However, you respond to a question that will either test your knowledge or add to it.

My belief about knowledge is taking information from a reliable source and set it aside in

my memory for future use.  This information needs to be trustworthy and known to the

world.  However, you respond to a question that will either test your knowledge

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