Improving ADLs for Brain Function and Helping Psychosis Essay


Psychosis is defined as an impairment of brain function which is caused by chemical disruptions due to biological, environmental and sociological factors (Morrison-Valfre, 2005, p.324). The Department of Health (2010) highlighted that patients with psychosis may experience disconnectedness to the world which may affect the life of individuals in performing the activities of daily living (ADL) and their families. It is essential to understand the impact of psychosis on the individuals and in the society as whole (Department of Health, 2010, p.2-3). The understanding may help to explain psychosis associated issues by helping to diminishing the rates of depression and suicide among the individuals, thus reducing the impact of mortality and morbidity and associated economic cost (Department of Health, 2010, p.4-5). This essay will analyse the deficit in ADL that may occur in a client experiencing psychosis as a part of schizophrenia (Twamley, Doshi, Nayak, Palmer, Golshan, Heaton, Patterson & Jeste, 2002, p.2013; Semkovska, Bédard, Godbout, Limoge & Stip, 2004, p.289). This will be done by focussing on the development of psychotic symptoms by analysing positive and negative symptoms of psychosis, the deficits in ADL and the effect on the patients followed by discussing appropriate nursing interventions for both the individual and their family.Improving ADLs for Brain Function and Helping Psychosis Essay


Psychosis is considered to be a mental state that may have a negative impact of the interpretation of reality by the affected individual by altering their process of thinking, their behaviour pattern and their state of emotion and beliefs (Hicks, 2005, p.268-269; Morrison-Valfre, 2005, p.325). The studies highlight that psychosis related symptoms may be identified as a single event which may last from one to six months in a persons’ life (Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria [MIFV], 2011; Hicks, 2005, p.272). However, if the symptoms relapse this may lead to continuity of psychosis in the long term which may result in disease such as schizophrenia (MIFV, 2011; Elder et al., 2013, p.270; Young, 2014, p.20; Hicks, 2005, p.271). The course of psychotic symptoms is highly likely to be triggered in vulnerable people due to their susceptibility to stress as a consequence of which may lead to the development of schizophrenia (Neuchterlein, Dawson, Ventura, Gitlin, Subotnik, Snyder, Mintz & Bartzokis, 1994, p.58; Hicks, 2005, p.270, 272). Studies mention that there may be both negative and positive symptoms experienced by patients with psychosis (Fortinash & Holoday-Worret, 2004, p.457; MIFV, 2011; Young, 2014, p.20).Improving ADLs for Brain Function and Helping Psychosis Essay

MIFV (2011) reported that the positive psychotic symptoms are regarded as abnormal excessive functions of individual’s everyday life. A number of these symptoms explain an individual’s frightening experience that may be misinterpreted by the surrounding people (Hicks, 2005, p.268-270; MIFV, 2011; Fortinash & Holoday-Worret, 2004, p.457). Firstly, hallucinations that is associated with dysfunction of those parts of the brain that are responsible for the five senses, namely hearing, vision, taste, smell and touch which may impact on the individual’s perceptions (Elder et al., 2013, p.195; Hicks, 2005, p.268-269). These feelings are viewed as false perceptions owing to the fact that the patients with psychosis are capable of experiencing and acknowledging them as real ones (MIFV, 2011; Elder et al., 2013, p.195) Secondly, delusions that are regarded as “firmly fixed false beliefs” which means that the patients with psychosis may hold beliefs in relation to being observed and therefore may behave suspiciously towards the others (Hicks, 2005, p.268-269, Elder et al., 2013, p.195). In this case it becomes impossible to persuade them to adopt opposing viewpoint by providing logical explanation with regards to their beliefs (Hicks, 2005, p.269, 275; Elder et al., 2013, p.195). Thirdly, confused processes of thinking that may result in the disruption and disorganisation of “form of thoughts” and its content (Hicks, 2005, p.269, 272; Elder et al., 2013, p.194; MIFV, 2011). Examples of this may include the increased or decreased speed of the person’s speech, an interruption in the continuity of thoughts and repetition and inadequate production of the thoughts all of which result in difficulty with understanding the person (Elder et al., 2013, p.194; MIFV, 2011; Hicks, 2005, p.269). Improving ADLs for Brain Function and Helping Psychosis Essay Moreover, the patient with psychosis may experience issues with regards to diminishing concentration, memorising things and therefore being unable to lead the conversation (Elder et al., 2013, p.

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