Importance of Interoperability between EHRs and Other Disparate Systems

Importance of Interoperability between EHRs and Other Disparate Systems

The increased integration of health information technology (HIT) systems in healthcare has resulted into interoperability. Interoperability refers to the ability of various information systems, devices and applications in accessing, exchanging, integrating, and cooperatively utilizing data in a coordinated way in and outside an organization and geographical area to offer prompt and seamless portability of patient information and optimize care delivery among individuals and populations (HIMSS, 2022).Interoperability is important as it allows electronic health records (EHRs) to have seamless flow of information and accessibility with other disparate systems. EHR interoperability ensures better workflow and minimal ambiguity.

Interoperability ensures that there is data transfer among EHRs systems and health care providers leading to the delivery of better information and making of effective decisions on the most appropriate care interventions for patients (Lehne et al., 2019). EHRs interoperability improves the delivery of health care through making the right data available and accessible at the right time to the right individuals. Further, interoperability is a core aspect of enhancing quality and access to care as providers and organizations make decisions based on seamless sharing and flow of information and data concerning patient health information (PHI) (Akhloufi et al., 2019). EHRs interoperability enables providers to analyze information leading to optimization of healthcare process and guaranteeing quality as they make timely and effective care decisions. The implication is that interoperability allows the portability and usability implying that medical data is easily shared between various systems and providers through better communication, focus on patients, and enhanced coordination.

Workflow analysis entails assessing the usability of data in healthcare organizations to deliver quality care. Workflow analysis can be used to identify issues associated with interoperability as it evaluates effective coordination and seamless flow of data for providers to make decisions (Lehne et al., 2019). The analysis gives a coordinated overview of different aspects of EHR interoperability to attain expected quality outcomes.



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