Importance of Curriculum Evaluation for Stakeholders NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 3 Curriculum Evaluation



Importance of Curriculum Evaluation for Stakeholders

NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 3 Curriculum Evaluation

). Evaluation of the curriculum is also important for the faculty members of Cincinnati University as it will guide the teachers to adapt to the changes in their teaching methodologies to deliver the curriculum concisely and comprehensively. 


Community is also linked with the evaluation of curriculum as curriculum includes all the courses that are designed for improving community health that include enhancing patient care, adopting evidence-based practices, addressing the issues of vulnerable populations, and using advanced tools to improve care. So, the curriculum evaluation will elaborate that it meets all the criteria that provide comprehensive knowledge on improving patient care and health (Wood, 2017). 

Consequences When Evaluation is Not Performed 

NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 3 Curriculum Evaluation

The evaluation of the curriculum provides an opportunity for nursing students to adopt the ability of clinical competency. As nursing students work in a dynamic environment characterized by the integration of curriculum and technology in clinical settings. So effective changes and revisions in the curriculum will provide the best knowledge and develop the competencies of skills. The lack of curriculum evaluation will result in inefficient training and guidance of nurses. The knowledge of students will not be updated and they will not be able to apply best clinical practices and patient care quality will also be affected. Besides students’ skills and patient care, it will also affect the university’s reputation. It will be considered that the university does not provide up-to-date knowledge about the nursing program and has not set any criterion for curriculum evaluation so the trust level of the community will also be reduced and concerns will arise about the performance of the university (Motefakker et al., 2022). 

Criteria for Curriculum Evaluation 

NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 3 Curriculum Evaluation

For the evaluation of the curriculum, several criteria are adopted which include context, process, currency, outcomes, effectiveness, sufficiency, and compliance. The criteria of context assure that the curriculum addresses the needs and problems of the population within a particular environment. In the current assessment, this criterion will assess that courses included in the curriculum as well as a new course suggested in the second assessment fulfills the learning needs of nursing students to tailor the healthcare requirements of the population. The second criterion is the evaluation of the process that monitors the activities planned in the curriculum which include practical activities and demonstrations, workshops, and learning modules in practical settings. The third criterion is the sufficiency of the curriculum for the students. This criterion determines that the nursing program is comprised of all the essential components which are vital for leadership and best clinical practices. The fourth evaluation element is the currency which determines the relevance of the nursing curriculum to the needs of the community (Ji et al., 2021). 

NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 3 Curriculum Evaluation

Effectiveness is one of the main evaluation criteria which determines that the study curriculum fulfills the requirements in both social and professional life. The outcomes in terms of students’ achievements in academics and improved patient care are the most important factors that are linked to the evaluation criteria. The improved outcomes will show that the curriculum designed is effective and meets all the standards of an effective curriculum (Wei et al., 2021). 

Importance of Criteria 

NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 3 Curriculum Evaluation

Without the set standards and criteria, it will not be possible to evaluate and make judgments about the curriculum. All these criteria are important for tracking the progress level and outcomes in the nursing program. Without these criteria, it will not be possible to design a valid, practical, and effective curriculum (Khan et al., 2019). It will guide the administration and faculty to include every little important detail in the curriculum which is important for students to excel in the nursing profession. These criteria make sure that students are gaining adequate insight into the nursing curriculum and that they are performing well in the nursing program. The criteria guide the students to decide on whether a relevant course or program should be chosen or not. The criteria of evaluation not only guides the nursing student but also the institutes

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