Implementing Technology in the Prevention of Falls Among the Elderly Background of Clinical Problem

The issues of falls among the elderly population, especially within hospital setups, are a major challenge in healthcare due to the many factors, which include physical as well as cognitive decline, the medication side effects, and the unfamiliar hospital environment. Despite the current measures designed to prevent falls, rates of falls and their trail of adverse effects continue to escalate, confirming the need for new approaches (Vaishya & Vaish, 2020). The deployment of technology in fall prevention through innovations like video monitoring and assistance robotics has a great scope to diminish staff shortage, ensure continuous monitoring and support caregivers in maintaining patient safety. Nevertheless, adopting technology-based interventions confronts challenges, including resistance to change and budget constraints. While those hurdles exist, finding solutions for falls among older adults and getting more from using technology involves a whole approach that includes stakeholder engagement, careful planning, and evaluation. I would like to add that the rest of my capstone project will be about the significance of the clinical issue, the goals of the proposed changes, and the implementation and evaluation of technology-based solutions for falling prevention in hospitals. Clinical Problem Statement The rate of falls among senior patients in hospitals is serious. It is a frequent reason for injuries, high cost of medical care, and impaired health outcomes. Fall prevention strategies consisting of alarms and human sitters are currently in place. Nevertheless, falls are the most common reason for nursing home admissions. This points to the necessity of innovative methods that can fit and provide for the various restricted of strategy and multifaceted needs of the older adult community. Factors that cause falls include age-related physical and cognitive impairments, environmental hazards, limited monitoring of falls and

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