Impact of Videogames on Children Essay




Modern children live in an extremely digitalized environment characterized by the availability of information and specific ways to spend free time. Today, most young people prefer to spend time in front of the computer, either doing their homework or socializing by using social networks. Another trend of contemporary society is the high popularity of video games that become more complex, similar to reality, and demanding much time. The constantly updating content along with the ability to play with friends online attract children. In such a way, videogames replace other activities such as running, walking, or socializing in the street. The given change of priorities triggers vigorous debates about the possible effects of games on children, their physical and mental development, and long-term consequences. For this reason, the given research is devoted to the issue of videogames and how they influence children. To investigate the problem, the following thesis is offered:

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The adverse effects of videogames on children might include the development of anxiety, depression, changes in brain functioning, problems with weight, socialization, and trigger the evolution of chronic diseases; however, they can also positively influence children increasing visuospatial cognition, attention, creativity, and reducing aggression levels.


The development of the videogames industry resulted in the emergence of complex games that create attractive images and exciting tasks to engage players and hold their attention. Statistics show that 66% of children aged 8 to 12 years play video games about 2 hours per day, while teens aged 13 to 17 play about 2,5 hours per day (Halbrook et al. 1097). However, in real life, the numbers can be even higher because of the inability to trace the amount of time spent on such activities. It means, for children, videogames become the main type of activity practiced every day.

Addiction and Accessibility

Another problem linked to videogames is their ability to precondition addiction. They affect the brain similarly to drugs as they stimulate the pleasure center and trigger the release of dopamine responsible for the emergence of specific behaviors (Paturel). In such a way, playing videogames, children feel the need to spend more time. The problem is complicated by the fact that today, games are spread globally, and there is hardly an area, excluding the poorest ones with no Internet or computers, where children are deprived of a chance to play (Paturel). The combination of addiction and accessibility contributes to the spread of videogames and the growing topicality of the question of how they impact the physical and mental health of a child.

Mental Development of a Child

One of the main problems linked to videogames is their influence on the mental development of a child. Childhood is the period fundamental for the mental development of a child, and numerous factors might have either a positive or negative effects on their brain and behaviors (Lobel et al. 885). In such a way, the fact that videogames become the central way to spend free time, replacing the previous activities, attracts the attention of researchers as it has a direct impact on the psyche and health of an individual. However, there is still no consensus on whether videogames have only negative or positive effects.

Brain Functioning

One of the popular fears is that videogames can affect brain functioning. Some researchers assume that excessive gaming in childhood can physically rewire the brain and introduce irreversible changes into its work (Paturel). The recent Chinese research presupposing two control groups showed that gamers (individuals spending about 10 hours a day online) have less gray matter if to compare with people who spend less than two hours online (Paturel). In such a way, gaming can be dangerous as it affects various brain areas, depending on the type of game and reaction it cultivates.

Depression and Anxiety

There is also a belief that games might precondition the development of depression and anxiety in children. The given states are mainly associated with failures in online games, the inability to get some achievement, or bullying, one of the common practices on the Internet. The research shows that excessive gaming might precondition dopamine exhaustion, emotional suppression, and the lack of motivation to achieve various real-life goals (Paturel). Moreover, people with depression might suffer from the deterioration of their states caused by addictive playing (Video Games and Children: Playing with Violence”). Analyzing the impact of video

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