Impact of Education Policies on Wider Development Processes



1.0 Introduction

Education is an important aspect within society because of the contribution it makes to various sectors of the economy. Countries that have high literacy levels register high development progress in most circumstances (Whymark, 2020). Nations that have low education levels are still struggling to reduce various problems in their economies. Education policies play an important part in promoting a culture of learning within society. In circumstances where a country lacks comprehensive educational policies, constituents are likely to suffer from low economic growth and development levels (Ssewamala et al., 2011). It is important to examine the impact that education policies have on wider development goals within a country. To understand the topic of discussion, it is important to study how education impacts the economy in major sectors of the economy. The paper explores the level of education as a significant factor that impacts economic progress. The levels of education include primary, secondary and tertiary. The study concentrates on the primary level of education and the impact it has on the development of an economy (Alexander, 2004, pg.7). Most countries in the world support the idea of free basic education for all individuals. It is the interest of the paper to explore how primary level of education impact the development processes exhibited in a country.

2.0 Impact of Primary Education on Wider Development Processes

The level of education in a country determines how productive its population can be towards its GDP. Most developed countries have shown tremendous efforts towards improving education for sustainable development (Schaeffer, 2019). Primary education acts as an opportunity that can help the disadvantaged change their social lives (Alexander, 2004, pg.9). Social mobility in society is essential, and it is through primary education that the journey to change such lives begins. Developing countries have a huge problem handling high numbers of literacy that have seen economies plagued. The need for more education in third world countries is an indication of societies that yawn for transformation (Van de Werfhorst and Luijkx, 2010). It is critical to examine whether limited funds within developing countries should be directed towards promoting primary education, secondary or tertiary levels. However, the primary level should be prioritized over others for many reasons.

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2.1 Primary Education as the Linking Factor to Success

Economic progress cannot be realized in a country if the society does not support education right from childhood. It should be a priority for stakeholders in any government to prioritize primary level education as a way of ensuring that there is a strong foundation for all kids to learn (Van de Werfhorst and Luijkx, 2010). Primary education equips children with basic skills that are required for their development. When kids are deprived of education opportunities, their linking factor to success is limited and undermined. The level of education is basic for everyone who wants to advance to higher levels of learning. As such, it is an important aspect if most communities considered primary education a basic need for development processes (Erola, 2009). Education plays a crucial role in helping people familiarize themselves with other concepts that are useful in productivity. Investments in education within a country increase the opportunity for children and other individuals to access necessary skills that are useful in production (Rizvi and Lingard, 2009, pg.46). The IMF and the World Bank have been at the forefront of advancing educational goals for the better part of society.

Primary education is vital to development processes that are experienced in a country. Policies that impact the implementation of educational programs are important in determining the extent of success expected. Notably, a country cannot be advanced in terms of education is there is no strong foundation from the primary level of education. One cannot void mathematics from primary and claim to start from the tertiary level (Rizvi and Lingard, 2009, pg.50). A community with a high percentage of primary school enrollment registers better statistics in their development processes. An example of a country that has a high rate of primary school enrolment is Singapore. The level lays the foundation for various activities that are essential for the emotional (Major, 2012), physical and mental development of a child. With such development, people learn how to be responsible and perform their duties well. Education is an important aspect, though, the government should concentrate on pr

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