Imagine the following scenario: You are taking the evidence-based practice course and one of your classmates shares an EBP project draft with you.



If a classmate cites sources incorrectly or fails to cite, I would enlighten them on plagiarism. I would inform them that plagiarism involves taking words, ideas, or information from other authors and presenting them as your own (Khadilkar, 2018). I would tell that when you use others’ work and ideas, it is essential to clearly and correctly cite the ideas to show that it is not one’s original work. Citations demonstrate that the student has conducted appropriate research work and that they have consulted appropriate texts for the assignment or study (Gasparyan et al., 2017). Besides, I would inform my classmate that failure to cite others’ ideas means that one claims that the whole paper and all of its information is theirs. I would advise the classmate to cite correctly the sources used for the EBP project draft to avoid plagiarism.

Plagiarism reflects negatively on the credibility and integrity of the individual, university, and profession. It tarnishes the reputation of the student, institution, and profession (Khadilkar, 2018). Plagiarism allegations can result in a student being suspended or expelled. The student’s academic record can reflect the ethics offense, resulting in one being barred from enrolling in another university (Gasparyan et al., 2017).  Besides, the damage on credibility and integrity from plagiarism can follow the individual for their entire career.

The academic institution is a primary victim of plagiarism since its reputation is often damaged. The institution’s or university’s credibility and public image get damaged when plagiarism cases are exposed, harming all academic stakeholders (Gasparyan et al., 2017). In addition, plagiarism damages the profession’s reputation since it discredits the entire profession (Khadilkar, 2018). As a result, plagiarism scandals affect even those not guilty, resulting in questions about the profession’s integrity.



Gasparyan, A. Y., Nurmashev, B., Seksenbayev, B., Trukhachev, V. I., Kostyukova, E. I., & Kitas, G. D. (2017). Plagiarism in the Context of Education and Evolving Detection Strategies. Journal of Korean medical science32(8), 1220–1227.

Khadilkar, S. S. (2018). The plague of plagiarism: prevention and cure!

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