Identifying Academic Peer reviewed journal articles and Assessing credibility


When searching for the best articles for the topic that I chose, I used the search engine, called Summon which can be found in Capella University page under the library tab. For the specific topic, I searched for the articles by using the keywords like medication safety, medication error, packaging improvements and staff education. I filtered my search by selecting peer-reviewed, journal articles and publication date within five years. In addition to the Summon search engine, I have searched for articles using google scholar search engine but paid attention to avoid websites with unreputable sources. 

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I chose journals that are well known and published with in the past five years. I read article thoroughly to asses if the data/ information is accepted by additional articles. Peer reviewed journals and articles are scholarly reliable source for information on a topic. It is a type of quality control.

Annotated Bibliography

Escriva Garcia, J; Aparisi Sanz, A., Brage Serrano, R., Fernandez, Garrido, J. (2020). Medication errors and risk area in a critical care unit. Journal of Advanced nursing,77(1),286-295. This article discussed mainly the medication errors, their causalities and the highest risk areas in critical care. The article discussed about the systematic analysis of the prescription, transcription and administration records of 2,634 dose unit of medication that were administrated to a total of 87 critically ill patients during 2018. For data collection, social demographic characteristics were also taken into consideration. The article points out that upon reviewing prescription and transcription records, they identified a total of 174 errors, approximately 71% occurred during the prescription of the script and the remaining 29% on the transcription time. In conclusion, nurse transcription behaves as an important filter in the pharmacotherapeutics process as it foresees and prevents many errors that may reach the patients.

Shao, S-C., Lai, E C-C., Owang, K.L., Chen, Ha-Y., Chan., Y-Y. (2018). Look-Article medication packages and patient safety. Journal of patient safety, e47-48.

This journal reiterates the need for constant attention needed by health care professionals, medical industry and regulatory authorities to avoid look alike medication package in the interest of medication safety. The Journal also emphasis that medication error prevention requires clinical vigilance. The journal presented a case study report of 66-year-old male patient who was taking Rosuvastatin 5mg tablets daily since 2014. This patient reported itching for 10 days after his last prescription refill in February 2017. After investigating the cause of recent symptoms, it can be found that the pharmacy dispensed wrong drug. This journal points out the strategies that the pharmacist developed after this incident to prevent future medication error and its follow up result. The authors concluded the journal by stating that package confusions are an important cause of medication errors.

Huang, H-C., Wang, C-H., Chen, P-C., Lee, Y-D. (2019). Bibliometric Analysis of medication error and Adverse Drug Event Studies.

This journal emphasizes to map studies of medication error and adverse drug events and investigate the interrelationships among medication errors and adverse drug events. The data shows that the drug- related problem, in particular, medication errors and adverse drug events are associated with increased cause for treatment. The data-based result from the case study revealed 3343 medication errors and 3342 adverse drug event documents. The key themes on medication errors focused mainly in medication errors in adult inpatients, computerized physician order entry in medication error studies and medication errors in pediatric in patients. The key theme on adverse drug events focused on detection, analysis, effect and prevention from adult inpatients to pediatric inpatient settings and from hospitalized case to ambulatory case. In conclusion, mapping used in the study provides a valuable tool for researches and provides a clear evidence of close relationship between medication errors and adverse drug effects.

Tsegaye, D., Alen,G.,Tessema, Z., Alebachew,W. (2020). Medication administration errors and Associated factors among nurses. International Journal of General medicine,13, 1621- 1632.

This article, discusses the factors that could associated with medication errors. The study conducted on a randomly selected nurses with a minimum of six-month working experience and involved in direct patient care. Four hundred fourteen nurses participated in the study with 98.1% response rate. The data shows tha

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