Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments. Reflect on the leadership behaviors presented in the three resources that you selected for review. Reflect on your results of the CliftonStrengths Assessment, and consider how the results relate to your leadership traits. Download your Signature Theme Report to submit for this Assignment. The Assignment (2-3 pages): Personal Leadership Philosophies

Personal Leadership Philosophies

Developing leadership philosophies is an essential aspect of effective leaders and leadership. Such philosophies are key to helping such leaders have the necessary skills they can use to impact their work environment effectively. Effective leadership helps in improving organizational and employee performance to the required levels hence improving an organization’s profitability and reputation (Cassiani et al., 2018). The implication is that nurse leaders should have personal leadership philosophies that can give them direction and offer connection with an organization’s mission and vision, and personal goals. As such, it is imperative that every leader possess such a philosophy, implying that individuals need to learn how to formulate such philosophies. Therefore, the purpose of this assignment is to discuss my leadership philosophy while focusing on various aspects, such as the core values, mission, and vision statements and the assessment results obtained from the Clifton Strengths assessment. In addition, this write-up will explore strategies for improving identified weaknesses.

A Description of the Core Values

As earlier indicated, core values form an integral part of leadership philosophies. In addition, core values form part of nursing practice as they help direct and influence professional actions and conduct (Schmidt & McArthur, 2018). Therefore, it is key for an effective leader to nurture and demonstrate values that enable them to serve the patients best. One of my core values is caring. Caring is a crucial part of nursing since it helps in promoting healing and wellness among patients. It is a value that is highly regarded in the nursing practice as it contributes to a holistic nursing practice. The next core value is reliability which entails being depended upon to complete tasks successfully. This core value is particularly important since, as an advocate for patients and the profession, nurses are expected to be dependable in completing various tasks.

Reflection on strengths finder results


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The thought of being a leader is not easy since I have always considered myself an introvert, and to be a leader you need charisma, and you need to be an extrovert. After taking the assessment and reading about my top five qualities, introverts could also be leaders. My top five qualities are harmony, intellection, learner, consistency, and maximizer.

After reading, I can compare those qualities to the challenge model; being a role model makes a good leader; leading by example and showing people the expected behavior or expected task and duties leaves no room for inequality. According to the challenge model, a leader inspires and motivates their followers; even as an introvert, finding what motivates people and building on it is one of my strengths. One of my strengths is looking for new ways to make tasks more accessible, and teaching it to people is also one of my strengths ((Marshall & Broome, 2021,p.185).


Taking the assessment, I thought that the results would be inaccurate; I thought that it would be a generalized statement. Upon reading the results, I can think of a million examples daily that contribute to the identified strengths. Working in harmony and having harmony around me everywhere, in the house, at work, and in public, makes life much easier. Having harmony at work means that people work towards one goal without complications and negative energy, which means more cooperation and more productivity. It also means that everyone is treated equally and everyone, even though they are different, their specialty and what makes them unique is appreciated in every sense. Living in harmony paves the way for many friendships and productive relationships, creating a network of people who support each other. It also means I can solve the conflict without confrontation (StrengthsFinder 2.0 from Gallup: Discover your Cliftonstrengths 2021,p.95).


Most of us taking this course are learners; getting my BSN was a challenging and stressful step for me while balancing everything else in my life; however, I tend to seek opportunities for learning constantly. This is my second degree; my first degree was in literature. After getting my BSN, I was comfo

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