• Identify three (3) parties (identify two (2) members of a discipline outside of nursing) who will be involved in the implementation of the priority concept (topic) interventions. • Discuss the role of these member in the intervention implementation for the priority concept (topic). • Discuss the benefit of including the identified interdisciplinary members from disciplines outside nursing to promote evidence-based professional practice.

Participants and interdisciplinary approach

The parties that will be involved in implementing basic care and comfort will be based on the patient’s diagnosis and possible outcomes. Some of these interdisciplinary members can include physical therapy, occupation therapy and speech therapy. Occupational therapy can aid with the patient’s activities of daily living. They will begin this by first performing an assessment to determine their capabilities of performing their activities of daily living. This will then determine the treatment of plan for the hospitalization stay. Once the patient is preparing for discharge another assessment will be performed to determine the patients discharge plan. It is important to include this interdisciplinary member in the patient care to help promote a healthy outcome for the patient and promote independence throughout hospitalization and after hospitalization (Busari, 2017). Quality Improvement One benefit in implementing basic comfort and care is to provide a healthy recovery while also encouraging independence. One of the main goals for patients should be to educate the patients as early as possible to ensure that the patient is educated on their disease process and what the interventions are and why they are in place. The education is especially important because we want to prevent rehospitalization from occurring. However, if the patient is not comfortable, the education process is insignificant and unsuccessful. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the patient is comfortable. This refers to pain management or mental stability meaning that the patient is not anxious, depressed or stressed out. Once the patient is comfortable, then the education process should begin which will help facilitate a healthy recovery and better management of illnesses. One resource that can be used to help promote improved patient outcomes is the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), which will help educate health care providers on how to improve health care and how to provide safe, healthy, quality care to patients (Busari, 2017). Conclusion Basic care and comfort is essential for promoting comfort but also encouraging activities of daily life. It includes things such as pain management, nutritional status, and ability to rest/sleep. It is essential in promoting healthy healing through nutrition, rest and pain management. Basic care also includes psychological care which includes mental stability. It will also include implementing activities of daily living to encourage independence. Independence is important to ensure that the patient can care for themselves once they are at home (Liu, 2017). Interdisciplinary care can be implemented as well, such as occupational care to help patients with any disabilities that they may have that are preventing them from caring for themselves. Education is also important throughout the patient’s hospitalization as this aids in management of their illnesses. This should be done from the point of admission up until they are discharged. However, education should not be performed until the patient is comfortable (Busari, 2017)

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