Identify the organization’smission,philosophy,and theadministrative structure.Identifythetypeof organizational structure thefacilityrepresents (functional,matrixreporting,jointpractice,etc.).Give examplesthatsupportthetype you selected. Strengths and Limitations Discussmajorstrengthsand limitationsoftheorganization. Care Delivery System Describe the nursing care deliverysystem(s)used.Include delegation examples ofmanager,charge nurse,licensed staffto unlicensed staff. Outcomes and Measurements Discuss two specific patient outcomes and explain how they are measured and monitored. Include one system–wide outcome and one nurse–sensitive clinical indicator.

Mayo Clinic has been in operation for many years. The increased application of technology and customized care on patients has elevated its brand in the past. The main mission of the health care clinic is to inspire and have a positive contribution to the healthcare industry and the wellbeing of patients. The Clinic has been planning to achieve this mission by offering the best care to all patients through an integrated clinical practice, including research and education. The vision of the Clinic is to offer incomparable experience as one of the most trusted health cares in the industry (Mayo Clinic, 2022). The value of the Clinic is to ensure that the needs of the patients become a top priority at the institution.

Mayo Clinic was built on a foundation of humility and pride by the Mayo brothers. These two features have been defining the culture of the organization to date. Physicians and allied health care staff at the Clinic take pride in their scientific, educational, medical, and administrative achievements. The workers at the Clinic are humbled by the fact that the Clinic does not celebrate its stars (Mayo Clinic, 2022). All employees are treated equally to allow other employees to feel a sense of belonging on the team.

The current strategic direction at the company is to modernize the Clinic and automize major operations at the Clinic to attain the required quality and safety of patients. The Clinic has been thriving on caring with awareness as one of the top priority strategic goals. It meets this goal by providing high-quality and culturally competent care that aligns with all patients at the Clinic. Besides, the Clinic has been focusing on the community by increasing the diversity of patients to develop new treatment interventions that would result in high-quality outcomes (Mayo Clinic, 2022). These strategic goals have also been defining the expenses at the Clinic as the management would want to invest in practices that would increase the quality of health care delivery at the Clinic.

Part 3: Gap Identification

Category Performance Indicator & Measurement Target or Internal Benchmark Identify the Variance or Gap



v  Increased production


v  Effective equipment utilization

v  Fulfillment time

Every quarter The amount that the Clinic has used in new equipment is not commensurate with the effective utilization.
Finance v  Variation in Budget


v  Return on Assets

Every quarter The budget at the Clinic has been high in the recent past because of the expensive technological devices bought by the company.
Customer v  Patient Satisfaction


v  Patient Retention

Monthly Low patient satisfaction and retention indicate a major issue on the performance at the Clinic.


Learning and


v  Employee retention


v  Employee satisfaction


Monthly The increased employee turnover implies that many employees are not satisfied with the Clinic’s current working condition, hence forcing them to look for greener pastures.


The gap analysis shows that Clinic has a high budget because of the complex equipment that it buys in all its outlets. The complex and sophisticated technological equipment require corresponding professionalism to operate and meet the effective utilization of these devices. However, the expected returns and increased quality of services that need to be increasing patient retention and patient satisfaction have not been effectively utilized. Nurses in the hospital setting require constant training on modern technology to sharpen their skills in the operation of these machines (Al-Hussami et al., 2018). The training programs enable nurses to offer better and improved care services in the hospital. However, in the case of Mayo, few professionals understand the operation of the current technology installed at the institutions hence cannot serve the growing patient number at their various outlets. These issues have raised the problem of employee dissatisfaction and low retention of the nurses. Dissatisfied employ

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