Identify one significant contemporary psychiatric mental health issue/problem in the United States health care system and explore how members of psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners can help address the issue or solve the problem.

One of the contemporary mental health issues is the social stigma towards individuals who seek mental health services and those diagnosed with mental health illnesses. Even in the current society, people are still stigmatized when they openly admit to having a mental health issue, which has caused most people who need mental health not to seek it. Approximately 31% of Americans are worried that others will judge them once they are aware that they sought mental health services, and about 21% reported that they had to lie about their mental health status to avoid being judged by those around them. The stigma is even more for the younger generation, and most of the young adults are worried that they will lose their friends if they are known to seek mental health services. Due to stigma, many people fail to seek mental health care services even when they need them (National Council for Mental Wellbeing, 2018).


Psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners can assist in solving the social stigma challenge by conducting public education to increase awareness about mental health illnesses. Most people lack a clear understanding of mental health illnesses, and the majority of the individuals in society associate all mental illnesses with conditions such as psychosis and schizophrenia, which they associate with violent and unpredictable behaviors. Care providers can solve the challenge by engaging the public to create awareness about the different forms of mental health and demystify the various myths in communities. They should explain that mental health illnesses are just like other diseases which people experiences, and they can be treated just like other diseases. The care providers can also negotiate with health institutions to have their services provided at the health facilities; this way, they can normalize mental health as just another form of illness that is treatable and one that people should not be stigmatized for developing (National Council for Mental Wellbeing, 2018).



National Council for Mental Wellbeing, (2018) New Study Reveals Lack of Access as Root Cause for Mental Health Crisis in America Retrieved from:,for%20accessing%20mental%20health%20care.


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