Identify internal and external factors that can help or hinder organizational or program success in your practicum setting. How can weaknesses be converted into strengths? Can strengths be used to overcome threats? If so, provide an example. How can opportunities be maximized? Please read classmate’s (Diane) essay below essay and offer and support an opinion from the classmate’s essay- share an insight into the question Also add other points related to the topic

By identifying weaknesses, work can begin to improve that area, or convert it into a stronger component. Overtime It can be overcome by assessing the weakness and planning for a modification in order to strengthen that area.

Strengths can and should be used to overcome threats. When threats are acknowledged, strengths that counter the threat can be built up or reinforced. This lessens the risk of the threat (Community Toolbox, 2022).

An example is a new program targeting multi-resistant tuberculosis (MRTB) in immigrants. A threat to the program is that government officials are moving the immigrants to other areas before a diagnosis can be made, or treatment can be completed. Additionally, the ability to monitor this groups whereabouts is impossible.

However, leveraging the connection of the TB center with the CDC, policies and procedures can be developed to reinforce compliance. Further, the vast knowledge the TB center has regarding this disease and their mindfulness of cultural competence, promotes a strong disease education program. Thus, adding to the comfort of those entering the program. Another strength is the financial backing of the program, and the observed importance to the United States population. By emphasizing these strengths, the threat can be lessened, and overcome.

Opportunities can be maximized by taking advantage of all that it provides. The above example can be used to illustrate this concept. The opportunity to begin the diagnosis of TB, for those newly entering the U.S., is upon arrival. Instead of directing the immigrants to a health department, an immediate screening would give more time to transfer those with the disease to a facility for continued support and treatment. By maximizing the increase in trends, available cashflow, political support and regulations, the targeted population can benefit (Furgison, 2022).


Community Toolbox. (2022). Section 14. SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. University of Kansas

Furgison, L. (2022). SWOT Analysis Step 3: How to Identify Opportunities. Bplans.

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