Identify at least 3 concerns for this patient and the rationale. Identify one as a priority concern. Concerns should be related to the prescription that is being written.


Hypertension is a condition whereby the long-term blood is forcing against an individual’s artery walls becomes high, ultimately causing health problems like heart conditions. The amount of blood the heart pumps and the volume of resistance to blood flow in one’s arteries determines blood pressure. When the hearts pump excess blood, the streets become narrower, and the blood pressure becomes higher (Sonn et al., 2019). Effects Of Lisinopril In Hypertension and High Blood Pressure Essay Many individuals with high blood pressure show no symptoms, even when blood pressure readings reach risky elevated levels. Some individual with higher blood pressure are having breath shortness, headaches, or nose bleeding, but the symptoms are not particular. Usually, they do not happen until high blood pressure reaches a life-threatening phase or is severe.

  • State the mechanism of action in YOUR OWN WORDS for this medication.

Lisinopril is an antihypertensive drug that is inhibiting angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in humans and animals. ACE is a subclass of peptidyl dipeptidase, which catalyzes the conversion of angiotensin one direct to vasoconstrictor substance angiotensin 11. Angiotensin 11 is also stimulating the aldosterone secretion in the adrenal cortex (Sonn et al., 2019). The significant effects of lisinopril in hypertension and high blood pressure appear in essential from suppression in the renin-angiotensin, and inhibiting the ACE results in decreasing plasma angiotensin 11, leading to a decrease of vasopressor activity and decreasing aldosterone secretion. The latter decreasing can increase serum potassium Effects Of Lisinopril In Hypertension and High Blood Pressure Essay .

  • List the class and subclass for this medication.

Lisinopril is derived from a class of medication known as angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (Sonn et al., 2019). Lisinopril also belongs to a subclass of antihypertensive drugs that are used in treating high blood pressure.

  • Where does this prescription fit into the client’s plan of care?

The medication fits the client’s plan of treating high blood pressure and lower the blood pressure. This will help in preventing strokes, heart attacks, and kidney dysfunctions. It is also essential in treating heart failure and improving survival after a heart attack (Lopez, Parmar, Pendela & Terrell, 2020). Lisinopril is prone to decreasing sweating, resulting in heatstroke. Using potassium supplements and salt substitutes are not recommended while taking the medication unless the doctor is recommending. Lisinopril is also acting by relaxing the blood vessels for the effectiveness of blood flow. High blood pressure is developing for many years and affecting nearly most of the people. Just as in the client’s plan, high blood pressure can be easily identified.  And it is essential to notify the doctor in case of such effects of high blood pressure Effects Of Lisinopril In Hypertension and High Blood Pressure Essay 

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