I-human NR601 week 2 Pt. has HF secondary to ischemic cardiomyopathy, HTN, and fluid overload Reflection: Address the following questions: How would your treatment plan change if your client admitted to food insecurity? What resources are available in your community that would be useful for senior citizens experiencing food insecurity and dietary restrictions based on medical diagnoses?

NR601 I-human

In the treatment of heart failure resulting from ischemic cardiomyopathy, high blood pressure, and excess fluid in the body, recognizing the complex interaction of biological elements, social factors influencing health, and unconscious prejudices is crucial. Heidenreich et al. (2022) reiterate the need for healthcare providers managing HF to address these intricacies to comprehend their influence on disease severity, clinical choices, and successful implementation of guideline-directed medical therapy. Furthermore, Liu and Eicher-Miller (2021) emphasize the role of dietary intake and lifestyle factors, irrespective of food insecurity, in the risk and progression of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

The presence of food insecurity introduces additional challenges to managing heart failure. This situation, marked by inadequate or uncertain access to sufficient food, arises as a crucial social factor affecting health. It presents potential obstacles to effectively managing the disease, supporting Heidenreich et al.’s (2022) argument that issues like homelessness, substance abuse, and transportation limitations can hinder the use of optimal medical therapies for heart failure. Sun et al. (2020) emphasize the strong connection between food insecurity and negative health effects, suggesting that food insecurity is linked to an increased likelihood of death from all causes, as well as cardiovascular disease. This highlights the importance of addressing food insecurity in managing heart failure to improve patient results and reduce the wider dangers related to insufficient nutrition.

Given the patient’s indication of food insecurity, it is essential to incorporate treatment strategies that effectively address these obstacles. Working closely with a certified nutrition expert is crucial to fulfilling nutritional needs and customizing dietary guidance to financial constraints, as emphasized by Liu and Eicher-Miller (2021) in their focus on the impact of diet on CVD risk. Adjusting medication management, along with leveraging local community resources such as Meals on Wheels and food banks, are vital steps in delivering effective care for individuals facing health challenges alongside socio-economic limitations. Treatment plans should integrate strategies that consider the broader context of a patient’s life for comprehensive HF management.


Heidenreich, P. A., Bozkurt, B., Aguilar, D., Allen, L. A., Byun, J. J., Colvin, M. M., Deswal, A., Drazner, M. H., Dunlay, S. M., Evers, L. R., Fang, J. C., Fedson, S. E., Fonarow, G. C., Hayek, S. S., Hernandez, A. F., Khazanie, P., Kittleson, M. M., Lee, C. S., Link, M. S., & Milano, C. A. (2022). 2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA guideline for the management of heart failure: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Joint Committee on clinical practice guidelines. Circulation145(18). https://doi.org/10.1161/cir.0000000000001063

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